Sherrill’s Ford Presbyterian Church has a tenacious grip on the good that a sure-footed creature can bring to impoverished communities overseas.
Why are 20 veterans a day taking their own lives? That’s the question the Rev. Tom Davis has been asking since August 2015, when a magazine cover on veterans’ suicides grabbed his attention. After all, he thought, aren’t these the same men and women who fought so hard to stay alive during active duty, as Davis did during his combat service in Vietnam?
Eighteen pastors are gathered at the Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center on Lake Tahoe this week to engage in a program of mentoring that hopes to develop future leaders of the church while improving their skills for professional advancement and self-care.
For 40 years, the World Hunger Ecumenical Arizona Task Force (WHEAT) has been tackling hunger in the Grand Canyon State through education, advocacy and empowerment. But there is one thing people are consistently surprised the organization does not do.“When you hear about a hunger program, the first thing you think of is food boxes and meal service,” says WHEAT executive director Dr. Tamera Zivic. “But we don’t do that.”
In Ephesians, Chapter 2, the reader is reminded that God is rich in mercy and grace, and people are saved through grace, not by good works. On Friday, the Reverend Cindy Kohlmann, Co-Moderator of the 223rd General Assembly (2019) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), shared that passage of scripture during a worship service at Travis Air Force Base in Fairfield, California.
Kohlmann spent most of the week in the area, participating in a forum held by military chaplains on the growing suicide rate among veterans. The service was held prior to the regular meeting of the Presbytery of the Redwoods.
Casting the net wide to invite and include as many Presbyterians as possible to participate in the Denominational Communications Survey, Korean and Spanish versions of the survey are now available.
Existe una preocupación creciente y generalizada a raíz de la reciente legislación contra el aborto de Alabama, que, si de implementarse, tendrá el efecto de una prohibición casi total de cualquier procedimiento de este tipo y eliminará cualquier opción de la mujer embarazada y de su médico asistente.
최근 알라바마에서 통과된 낙태 금지법에 대한 결과로 인하여 우려가 커지고 있습니다. 이 법안이 시행되면 낙태와 관련된 어떠한 시술도 금지될 것이고, 임신 여성 및 그 여성을 돕는 의사는 낙태와 관련하여 어떤 선택도 할 수 없게 될 것입니다.
It’s graduation time for colleges, universities, and seminaries all over the country. For a small group of students at San Francisco Theological Seminary last week, it was also an opportunity to sit down for an informal chat with the Reverend Cindy Kohlmann, Co-Moderator of the 223rd General Assembly (2018) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
Several were preparing to graduate, while others had completed their first year. All had a series of questions for Kohlmann ranging from study suggestions to seeking that first pastorate. Kohlmann shared her own journey from seminary to her current role with the national church.
The Rev. Dr. Tom Bryson, who is part of the Vital Congregations (VC) writing team, said he was floored at what he heard at VC gatherings in Denver and Atlanta the last two weeks.