호세 구즈만Jose Guzman이 1992년에 군대에서 제대했을 때 그는 자신의 삶을 진지하게 고려했다. 그는 외상 후 고민 증후군(PTSD)으로 고통받고 있었다. 전쟁 중 고통과 외상으로 마약과 술을 마시며 그를 거의 궁핍하게 만들었다. 재향군인회로부터 필요한 도움을 받기까지는 18년이란 세월이 걸리었다.
미국 재향군인 관련부서에 따르면 20여명의 참전 용사가 매일 자신의 목숨을 끊고 있으며 문제는 더욱 악화되고 있다. 샌프란시스코 페어필드에 있는 록빌 장로교회에서 신앙 지도자들과 군목들이 목요일에 모여 점점 늘어나는 문제를 다루었다. 그들은 장로교, 로마 카톨릭, 연합 그리스도 교회 및 다른 교단들을 대표했다. 그들은 공군, 육군, 해군, 민간 항공 순찰대등을 대표하는 현역 봉사자들이다.
On The Way Church , una nueva comunidad de adoración multicultural 1001 habla española en Atlanta, tendrá una celebración llamada “Oren por Venezuela”, el 9 de junio para los afectados por el empeoramiento de la crisis económica y política de ese país.
Thousands of youths from across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and the Cumberland Presbyterian Church are gearing up for five sweaty days of “conversation, recreation, learning, worship and fun” at this year’s 2019 Presbyterian Youth Triennium (PYT) July 16-20 at Purdue University in West Lafayette, Ind.
El Reverendo Dr. J. Herbert Nelson II, secretario permanente de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.), mientras declara que las armas son demasiado accesibles para el público, pide a los legisladores que tomen una postura más dura en la venta de armas con alta capacidad de municiones.
On The Way Church, a Spanish-speaking multicultural 1001 new worshiping community in Atlanta, is holding a “Pray for Venezuela” day on June 9 for those impacted by that country’s worsening economic and political crisis.
Just steps away from the Reformed University campus where he teaches, Presbyterian mission co-worker César Carhuachin comes face to face with some of Colombia’s most marginalized people.
Saying they are too accessible to the public, the Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is calling on lawmakers to take a tougher stand on the sale of weapons with high-capacity magazines.
Each summer, the Board of Pensions and the Presbyterian Foundation sponsor Well-Being Retreat for active and retired members of the Benefits Plan of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It offers ministers and other church workers, as well as spouses and surviving spouses, time away from routines to think, breathe, and renew.
On a day that began with a snowstorm and ended with sunny skies, the 18 pastors gathered at Zephyr Point Presbyterian Conference Center on Lake Tahoe for the Mentoring Event for Leaders of Color in Pastoral Ministry found inspiration in training and continued relationship building during Tuesday’s sessions.
Scattered around the country, members of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board’s Outreach to the World Committee met via webinar Tuesday with mission co-workers from throughout Asia and the Pacific to learn more about the work World Mission is engaged in with its global partners there.