Sara and I live on the edge of Jerusalem. Often, our paths take us near the Mount of Olives. Tourists and pilgrims come from all corners of the globe and pose for photos on a terrace there, with the breathtaking sight of the “Holy City” in the background.
볼티모어에서 올해의 빅 텐트 축하 행사에 참석하는 사람들은 심층적인 성경공부에 참여할 수 있는 기회를 갖게 된다. 컬럼비아 신학대학원의 구약성서학 교수인 윌리암 마셀루스 맥피터스 석좌교수 윌리엄 브라운 William P. Brown박사가 인도할 것이다.
Los asistentes a la celebración de La Gran Carpa de este año en Baltimore tendrán la oportunidad de participar en un profundo estudio bíblico. El líder será el Dr. William P. Brown, el Profesor William Marcellus McPheeters de Antiguo Testamento en el Seminario Teológico de Columbia.
Attendees of this year’s Big Tent celebration in Baltimore will have an opportunity to engage in in depth Bible study. Dr. William P. Brown, the William Marcellus McPheeters Professor of Old Testament at Columbia Theological Seminary, will be leading.
Their amazement at the Secretary-General of the United Nations’ openness to questions from the crowd was second only to their amazement that they got in.
Flyaway Books has announced that Ian de Haes’ “Simon and the Big, Bad, Angry Beasts: A Book about Anger" has been recognized as a finalist in the 21st annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards.
Staff and volunteers with the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are once again rocked by the sudden passing of an executive leader. Mike Miller, acting Chief Financial Officer for the PC(USA) A Corporation (A Corp), died Tuesday night of an apparent heart attack.
Robina Winbush (izquierda) asistió al desayuno ecuménico en la 223a Asamblea General en St. Louis con las co-moderadoras, la anciana gobernante Vilmarie Cintrón Olivieri y la reverenda Cindy Kohlmann.
Grupos ecuménicos e interreligiosos en todo el mundo están de luto por el fallecimiento de la reverenda Robina Winbush. La directora de Relaciones Ecuménicas en la Oficina de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) falleció el martes mientras regresaba de una visita de 10 días en el Medio Oriente. Estaba saliendo de Nueva York cuando se derrumbó en el aeropuerto.
La junta directiva de La corporación presbiteriana de publicaciones ha anunciado que, efectivo desde el 1 de Julio, David M. Dobson será el nuevo presidente y editor ejecutivo de la agencia.
Nana Boateng and Joy Durrant stepped into the massive foyer of the United Nations building Monday morning and were a little lost. The destination was Conference Room 11, but how to get there? What did they need to get in? A helpful security officer told them where the room was, and that they might need special passes for the conference they wanted to attend in the opening hours of the 63rd Annual Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).