To many people, Rosa Parks’ life was one day long, David LaMotte says.
The work involved with creating and implementing your Presbyterian church’s stewardship program just got a whole lot easier.Stewardship Navigator, an educational website launched this month by the Presbyterian Foundation, is a free online tool for Presbyterian congregations. You can find it at
Concluding its meeting Saturday, directors of the Board of Pensions of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) voted a 3.6 percent experience apportionment for the Pension Plan for the seventh consecutive year, despite tumultuous market.
God of our weary years and our silent tears,We are shattered by the deaths of 49 Muslim neighbors in New Zealand, cut down in the midst of Friday prayers.We are horrified, angry, despairingWe struggle with a knowledge that our prayers alone are not enough our silence in the face of intolerance and fear is complicity a fear that we do not know a way forward that will help an emptiness: we have been here before, too many times,and we know we will walk this bloodied path again.
Why is it important for church leaders to have a voice in public media? This is among the topics to be explored by seminary students, pastors, church communicators and others during a March 20 event jointly sponsored by the Presbyterian Writers Guild and Columbia Theological Seminary.
To hurt the Earth is to hurt the poor, Gordon Aeschliman wrote in “The Green Bible: Understanding the Bible’s Powerful Message for the Earth.” He added: “It shouldn’t be surprising that creation and justice are inextricably linked” and that to keep the garden, as humans are told to do in Genesis 2, is the same notion as the Numbers 6:24 blessing: The Lord bless you and keep you.
예수 그리스도의 교회는 태초부터 하나님의 능력으로 창조되었습니다. 오순절에 성령님께서 제자들에게 내려오셨습니다. 제자들은 하나님의 손과 발과 입이 될 수 있는 힘을 얻었습니다. 오늘 우리 교회는 어떻습니까? 우리의 힘은 어디에서 왔습니까? 다음은 하나님 권능의 교회가 갖는 특징들입니다. 기도하는 마음으로 그것을 읽고 교회가 이러한 특징들을 어떻게 나타내는지 생각해 보십시오.
Desde el principio la Iglesia de Jesucristo fue creada para ser impulsada por Dios. En el día de Pentecostés, el Espíritu Santo descendió sobre los discípulos, quienes luego fueron facultados para ser las manos, los pies y la boca de Dios para el mundo. ¿Qué hay de nuestras iglesias hoy? ¿De dónde viene nuestro poder? A continuación, se presentan algunas características de las iglesias impulsadas por Dios. Léalos en oración y piense en cómo exhibe su iglesia estas características.
The Church of Jesus Christ was created from the beginning to be God-powered. On the day of Pentecost, the Holy Spirit descended upon the disciples, who were then empowered to be God’s hands and feet and mouths to the world. What about our churches today? Where does our power come from? Below are some characteristics of God-powered churches. Read them prayerfully and think about how you see your church exhibiting these characteristics.
Westminster John Knox Press has announced that “Resist and Persist: Faith and the Fight for Equality” by Erin Wathen and “Transforming: The Bible and the Lives of Transgender Christians” by Austen Hartke have been recognized as finalists in the 21st annual Foreword INDIES Book of the Year Awards.