In his session titled “Endowments 101” at the Stewardship Kaleidoscope gathering in San Diego last week, Stephen Keizer, Vice President of Ministry Relations at the Presbyterian Foundation, taught key concepts around church endowments including their inception, management and eventual use.
Layton E. Williams knows something about living in the margins.
Presbyterians who want to help Haitians dealing with the almost simultaneous effects of natural disaster, government corruption, fuel shortages and crop challenges have at least two choices, according to Fabienne Jean, coordinator of FONDAMA, or Hands Together Foundation of Haiti, a network if 11 farmer organizations across the Caribbean nation currently choked with deadly protests that have paralyzed the economy and closed businesses and schools.
Women’s Leadership Development and Young Women’s Ministries is a national ministry of the Presbyterian Mission Agency operating within Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries (RE&WIM). The office provides resources and training programs to young adult women ages 18-35 considering leadership opportunities in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
약 8개월 남아있는 미국장로교 224차 총회(2020)와 함께 정서기 공천위원회는 공천 후보자를 찾는 과정을 시작했다.
위원장인 윌슨 케네디 장로는 말한다, “본 위원회는 다음 4년 동안 하나님께서 정서기로서 봉사할 준비가 되어있는 사람을 찾아서 기도하고 영적으로 주도하는 듣기와 분별의 과정을 시작하게 된 것을 자랑스럽게 생각합니다. 우리는 에너지, 지능, 상상력 및 사랑으로 미국장로교회를 하나님의 미래로 인도하는 노력을 할 역동적인 지도자를 찾고 있습니다."
Con la 224a Asamblea General (2020) de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) a ocho meses de realizarse aproximadamente, el Comité de Nominaciones para secretario permanente ha comenzado el proceso de búsqueda de un candidato para el cargo.
"El comité se enorgullece de comenzar el proceso de escucha y discernimiento dirigido por el Espíritu y la oración mientras buscamos a la persona que Dios se está preparando para servir como secretario/a permanente durante los próximos cuatro años", dijo el anciano gobernante Wilson Kennedy, moderador del comité. "Estamos buscando un/a líder dinámico que haga el duro trabajo de guiar a la …
With the 224th General Assembly (2020) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) approximately eight months away, the Stated Clerk Nominating Committee has begun the process of seeking a nominee for the office.
“The committee is proud to begin the prayerful and Spirit led process of listening and discernment as we search for the person God is preparing to serve as the Stated Clerk for the next four years,” said Ruling Elder Wilson Kennedy, committee moderator. “We are searching for a dynamic leader who will do the hard work of leading the PC(USA) into God’s future with energy, intelligence, imagination, and love.”
A decade ago, three Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations in the Atlanta area faced decline. The then-stated supply pastor serving two of those congregations shared with them their future.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has joined a call for another company to be added to the Milk with Dignity program, an initiative launched by Vermont dairy farmworkers, farmers and supporters.
Friday’s “Gathering of Great Minds” opened with inspired, Spirit-infused worship in the Chapel of the Presbyterian Center.