After spending 60 years as a man, Paul Williams came out to his family as transgender, becoming Paula. The married father of three was a prominent evangelical pastor before transitioning and recognized that transitioning would not be an easy process, personally or professionally. Nonetheless, “I’d been called [to transition], and you reject a call at your own peril,” Paula said.
Knowing that the membership and leadership of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators (APCE) is nearly 100 percent white — and that its organization didn’t reflect the diversity of God’s beloved community — APCE formed a task force this year to look at white privilege, racist systems and oppressive practices inherent in its structures.
Many church leaders fear that emphasizing planned giving can damage the annual stewardship effort or an ongoing capital campaign. But in fact, the opposite is true, says Karl Mattison, Vice President of Planned Giving Resources for the Presbyterian Foundation.
The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program is set to lead its fourth journey to Israel and Palestine March 15–28, 2020. Applications are being accepted online for the 2020 Mosaic of Peace Conference through Oct. 15, or after that date as space allows.
It’s a line that appears twice in the documentary, “Flint: The Poisoning of an American City.” “What happened here is now happening in other places. It could happen in any city in the United States. It did happen in the city of Flint, Michigan.”
미국이 겪는 정치 및 인종 분열에 대하여 미국장로교 총회 정서기는 미국인들에게 꼬리표를 넘어서서 서로 연결하는 방법을 찾도록 촉구하고 있다.
제이 허버트 넬슨 목사Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II는 사람들이 각 개인의 마음을 찾아야한다고 말한다.
En un momento de divisiones políticas y raciales en los Estados Unidos, el Secretario Permanente de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) está instando al pueblo estadounidense a mirar más allá de las divisiones y encontrar formas de conectarse.
El reverendo Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II dice que las personas deberían estar buscando el corazón de las personas.
At a time of political and racial divisions in the United States, the Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is urging Americans to look beyond labels and find ways to connect.
The Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, says people should be looking for the heart of individuals.
제이 허버트 넬슨J. Herbert Nelson, II목사가 미국장로교 총회 정서기로 선출되었을 때 그의 첫 번째 행동 중 하나는 손과 발 이니셔티브를 만드는 것이었다. 아이디어는 기아와 빈곤과 같은 지역 사회의 요구를 해결하기 위해 다음 총회를 주최할 도시의 조직들과 협력하는 것이었다.
작년 한 해 동안 224차 총회 (2020 )가 열리는 볼티모어에 중점을 두고 볼티모어 노회의 사명 이니셔티브인 센터The Center에 집중하였다. 비영리 단체인 이곳은 전국의 선교팀을 초청하여 볼티모어 지역의 다른 교회 및 비영리 단체와 지역 사회 봉사에 참여한다.
센터에 대한 교회의 노력의 …
As Sharon Gibbons learns more about the challenges women face around the world, it swells her support for women abroad and motivates her to work harder for gender justice closer to home.