Today at 3:00 p.m. the Rev. Angela Johnson of Grace Hope Presbyterian Church in Louisville, Kentucky will be featured in a live conversation on the PC(USA) Facebook page.
La Junta de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión(PMAB) votó unánimemente hoy para solicitar a la 223ª Asamblea General (2018) en St. Louis este verano la confirmación de la Rev. Dra. Diane Moffett para un mandato de cuatro años como presidenta y directora ejecutiva de la Agencia Presbiteriana de Misión, una de las seis agencias de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.).
Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, J. Herbert Nelson, II, issued a statement today condemning President Trump’s decision to withdraw the United States from the Joint Comprehensive Plan of Action (JCPOA) with Iran, citing that containment of Iran’s nuclear program has been “severely jeopardized.”
Lifting up the foundational importance of peacemaking to the Christian Gospel, Nelson expressed the importance of treaties as a pathway to peace, despite their imperfections. Nelson wrote, “While no international treaty is perfect, interim agreements such as this are essential to guiding the nations of the world toward peace rather than war.”
장로교선교국이사회(PMAB)는세인트루이스에서열리는223차총회(2018) 에서다이앤모펫Diane Moffett목사의선출을장로교선교국(미국장로교의6개기관중하나) 대표및사무국장의4년임기로확인하는투표를만장일치로의결했다.
The National Association of Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster (VOAD) has selected a Presbyterian Disaster AssistanceNational Response Team member as its volunteer of the year. David Rauer received the recognition last night during VOAD’s annual awards ceremony. Rauer received the Don Hampton Volunteer of the Year Award for his disaster recovery work for the past six years.
The Ascension of the Lord has never been an important event on the Presbyterian church calendar. But perhaps it should be, as there are things we can learn from it. The story of Jesus ascending into heaven after appearing to his followers in the 40 days after his resurrection does come with two significant challenges. First, as a rule, people do not simply float away into the sky. Just think of the nightmare that would pose for the Transportation Security Administration. Secondly, the story presents a picture of the universe we know not to be true. “Heaven” is not “up” and “hell” is not “down” and we do not live in “the middle.” So a literal reading of the story is not going to be helpful.
The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) voted unanimously today to ask General Assembly 223 (2018) meeting in St. Louis this summer to confirm its election of the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett to a four-year term as president and executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency, one of the six agencies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Following an expansive national search, the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) today elected the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett president and executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA), one of six agencies of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Moffett will assume leadership on June 11, 2018. Her appointment is subject to confirmation by the 223rd General Assembly, which meets in St. Louis, June 16-23, 2018.
A six-person international ecumenical delegation, comprised of representatives of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC) and led by WCC general secretary the Rev. Dr. Olav Fykse Tveit and WCRC general secretary the Rev. Dr. Chris Ferguson, visited Pyongyang on 3-7 May, at the invitation of the Korean Christian Federation (KCF) of the Democratic People’s Republic of Korea (DPRK).
The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) will receive a report from its executive director search committee today at a 3:00 pm EST meeting.