Defending the right to speak in support of Palestinians and other citizens living without full citizenship and under occupation will be on the agenda of the Committee on Middle East Issues when the 223rd General Assembly meets June 16–23 in St. Louis.
An overture from the Synod of the Covenant opposes U.S. and state anti-BDS legislation (Boycott, Divestment, Sanctions). The synod urges commissioners to “defend and advocate” for citizens, companies and organizations to exercise their freedom of speech without suppression. The synod also calls for the repeal of state statutes that “seek to impose civil penalties or unconstitutional restrictions” on nonviolent BDS resistance.
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) congregations are invited to join the spirit of the 223rd General Assembly (2018) (GA223) by singing a hymn commissioned for the assembly during their June 17 worship services. The assembly convenes on June 16 and on the next day assembly-goers will visit churches throughout the St. Louis area for morning worship.
The new hymn,“Draw the Welcome Circle Wider,” by noted Presbyterian hymn-writer Mary Louise Bringle, was commissioned by the GA223’s Committee on Local Arrangements (COLA). Presbyterians are well acquainted with Mel Bringle through her hymns, her teaching at conferences, and her service as chair of the Presbyterian Committee on Congregational Song, which produced Glory to God: The Presbyterian Hymnal.
The Presbyterian Mission Agency recently approved 10 worshiping community Mission Program Grants to a diverse range of “1001” communities.
La 223a Asamblea General de este verano será mi número 41. Mi primera fue en Portland, Oregón en 1967, cuando era estudiante universitario y presbiteriano de cuna, quería ver de primera mano el debate sobre la Confesión de 1967. Desde entonces, me he perdido muy pocas asambleas generales. Sí, soy un «adicto a la AG».
This summer’s 223rd General Assembly will be my 41st. My first was in Portland, Oregon, in 1967 when, as a college student and cradle Presbyterian, I wanted to see firsthand the debate on the Confession of 1967. Since then, I have missed very few General Assemblies. Yes, I am a “GA junkie.”
A request for a sizable increase in General Assembly per capita in 2019 and 2020 is being scaled back — having encountered significant opposition at the grass roots of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) for being more than congregations financially can bear.
수요일, 장로교 센터 예배실에서 한 세대에 한 번씩 행해지는 행사로 미국장로교 공동예배서의 개정을 축하하기 위해 모였다. 2018년 개정판으로 이중언어 예배에 참여하면서 2018 BCW 공동 편집자인David Gambrell은 "어떤 언어로든 여러분의 마음을 표현"하여 예배하도록 격려했다.
Los fieles se reunieron en la capilla del centro presbiteriano el miércoles para celebrar un evento generacional; la revisión del Libro para la Adoración (BCW por sus siglas en ingles) de la IP (EE.UU.). Mientras la participación se dio en un servicio bilingüe de la 2018 edición ,el coeditor David Gambrell animo a las personas adorar «en el idioma que hable a sus corazones».
Worshipers gathered at the Presbyterian Center chapel Wednesday to celebrate a once-in-a-generation event — the revision of the PC(USA)’s Book of Common Worship. As they participated in a bilingual service from 2018 edition, they were encouraged by 2018 BCW co-editor David Gambrell to worship “in whatever language speaks to your hearts.”
LOUISVILLE – The confirmation of the Rev. Diane Givens Moffett as president and executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) will be among the items before the Mission Coordination Committee when the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s 223rd General Assembly meets June 16–23 in St. Louis.
Moffett was elected to the position May 8 by the PMA Board for a four-year term, but her election is subject to confirmation by the General Assembly. She begins her duties June 11 as head of the PMA, the agency that leads the national and international mission work of the PC(USA).