Los solicitantes de asilo que cruzan el puente de Santa Fe desde Ciudad Juárez, México, hasta El Paso, Texas, se han acostumbrado a la larga espera. Lo que solía tomar horas de proceso, ahora toma días, ya que el pueblo centroamericano, en busca de seguridad, se encuentra acampado a lado de las pistas y en el puente.
La espera podría durar mucho más, ya que miles de migrantes de Honduras, Guatemala y El Salvador continúan su viaje hacia la frontera de los Estados Unidos. En el último informe, la mayor parte del llamado «éxodo centroamericano» acampó en la Ciudad de México mientras grupos más pequeños continuaban su camino hacia el norte.
텍사스 주 엘패소El Paso에 있는 ICE 몬타나 시설 벽 뒤에는 60-86개의 국적이 표시된다. 그것은 이민 및 세관 집행기관 (ICE)이 운영하는 전국 6개의 시설 중 하나이다. 이곳에는 미국에 망명을 요청하는 모든 연령대와 배경을 가진 남녀가 현재 구금되어 있으며, 새로운 생활을 시작하거나 가족과 함께 미국에 남을 기회를 기다리고 있다.
After planting four churches while he was a refugee living in Uganda, Prince Mundeke Mushunju naturally had an eye toward establishing a Swahili- and English-language service when he arrived in Greensboro, N.C., three years ago.
Between 60 and 86 nationalities are represented behind the walls of the ICE Montana Facility in El Paso, Texas. It is one of six in the country that is run by Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE). Men and women of all ages and backgrounds, some seeking asylum in the U.S., are currently detained there, waiting and hoping they’ll be given an opportunity to start a new life or remain with their families in the U.S.
She arrived in Italy on Feb. 4, 2016. Of the flight that brought her and her husband and their two small children from Beirut to Rome, she remembers only the emotions she felt on the plane, and the flowers and hugs they got when they landed.
Researching her book on college hookup culture required Dr. Jennifer Beste to do what all good professors do — listen to their students.
멕시코의 시우다드 후아레스Ciudad Juárez에서 산타페 다리를 건너는 망명 신청자들이 텍사스 주 엘파소에 오랫동안 기다려왔다. 중앙 아메리카인들이 안전을 찾아 길가와 교량 자체에 야영을 한다는 사실을 감안할 때 이제는 처리 시간이 더 오래 걸린다.
온두라스, 과테말라, 엘살바도르 출신 수천명의 이민자들이 미국 국경 지대를 계속 여행하면서 기다림은 더 오래 걸릴 수 있다. 마침내 보고 된 바에 따르면 소위 대부분 "중미 출신"의 소규모 그룹이 북쪽으로 계속 나아가면서 멕시코 시에서 야영을 했다.
Asylum-seekers crossing the Santa Fe Bridge from Ciudad Juárez, Mexico, to El Paso, Texas, have gotten used to the long wait. What used to take hours for processing now takes days as Central Americans, in search of safety, find themselves camped out on the roadsides and the bridge itself.
The wait could get a lot longer as thousands of migrants from Honduras, Guatemala and El Salvador continue their trek toward the U.S. border. At last report, the bulk of the so-called “Central American exodus” was camped out in Mexico City as smaller groups continued to make their way north.
Participants in the 2018 Presbyterian Peacemaking Travel Study Seminar in Korea received warm welcomes at two local congregations Nov. 11.
After the close of its meeting in St. Louis, Missouri, the 223rd General Assembly (2018) tasked the Co-Moderators, Elder Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri and the Reverend Cindy Kohlmann, with appointing the membership of fourteen special committees, commissions, and task forces. Some committees were established or expanded by the 222nd and 223rd General Assemblies (2016) and (2018) in response to recommendations to commissioners from various sources.