Why are we still talking about racism?
More than one mid-council moderator wanted to know why the Rev. Denise Anderson, the Presbyterian Mission Agency’s Coordinator of Racial and Intercultural Justice and Co-Moderator of the 222nd General Assembly, held a workshop Saturday called “Do We Really Want to Do This?” during the Moderators’ Conference.
Policies and procedures, workshops and worship made up the two-day Moderators’ Conference in Louisville, Kentucky over the weekend. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Office of the General Assembly hosted 110 moderators from across the country.
Worship services were led by the Co-Moderators of the 223rd General Assembly, the Rev. Cindy Kohlmann and Ruling Elder Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri. In addition to presentations from other PC(USA) agencies, attendees were presented with the necessary tools to officiate meetings in their own presbyteries and synods.
While reading online invitations to participate in #GivingTuesday, a Presbyterian pastor and stewardship educator took a stroll down memory lane to the values he learned as a child.
The Co-Moderators of the 223rd General Assembly are making a switch in the books they are recommending for study. Last month, the Rev. Cindy Kohlmann and Ruling Elder Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri had recommended churches take up the book “Where the Cross Meets the Street.”
Kohlmann and Cintrón-Olivieri recently learned that the author resigned his position after allegations surfaced that he had created a “hostile and abusive” work environment.
Ruling Elder Vilmarie Cintrón-Olivieri, co-moderator of the 223rd General Assembly, told the 110 or so presbytery and synod moderators attending the Moderators’ Conference Friday that the way she understands her favorite chapter in the Bible – Romans 8 – has understandably changed and deepened since she was a teenager in a new member class at her church in San Juan, Puerto Rico.
The Presbyterian Peacemaking Program’s 2018 Korea Travel Study Seminar concluded Friday with discussions on the group’s work over the last 11 days and plans for incorporating gained knowledge into Presbyterian contexts.
Work on the Princeton Seminary and Slavery report began in the spring of 2016.
Steve Young, executive director of Living Waters for the World, talks about an encounter with a Guatemalan family in 2017. The family told him they were thrilled that their grandchildren would never have to drink contaminated water. Young had the grace to accept a shirt given him by the young Guatemalan. Now Young’s child wears the cherished shirt to bed at night. Watch the video.
The Rancho Bernardo Community Presbyterian Church is one church with two identities.
More than 100 moderators from presbyteries and synods around the country will be visiting Louisville, Kentucky, this week for the Moderators’ Conference.
“It has been a while since we hosted moderators at our offices in Louisville,” said the Rev. Tricia Dykers Koenig, associate director for Mid Council Relations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)’s Office of the General Assembly. “We’re happy to have them here and are excited that the co-moderators of the 223rd General Assembly will be serving as hosts.”