On the Tuesday after Thanksgiving, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will once again participate in a celebration of giving that is observed around the globe.
A few years ago a desperate mother loaded her seven children in the car and drove across several states to escape an abusive husband. Her journey ended at Presbyterian Home for Children (PHFC) in Talladega, Alabama.
Having participated in Pittsburgh Theological Seminary’s Miller Summer Youth Institute in 2012, Hunter Steinitz started her master’s studies at the seminary this fall.
Representatives from the World Council of Churches and the National Council of Churches are urging faith groups to engage with their political leaders. Jim Winkler, president of the national council, and Dr. Peter Prove, executive director of the WCC Commission of the Churches on International Affairs, appeared Monday on Coffee with the Clerk, a weekly Facebook Live broadcast with the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
지배하려는 욕망은 타락한 인간 본성의 일부인 중독의 일종입니다. 하나님의 가장 열정적인 애호가로서 영적 작가로 불리어진 토마스 머튼Thomas Merton도 이를 “틀린 자아”라고 불렀습니다. 이것은 항상 자신을 보호하고 쌓아 올리는 자아입니다. 그것은 우리의 타락한 본성의 일부이며, 우리가 원하는 것을 주고, 편안하고 행복하게 느끼게 하여 주는 체계, 사람, 사물을 항상 돌보는 것입니다.
La lucha por estar en control es un tipo de adicción que forma parte de nuestra fallida naturaleza humana. Incluso los amantes más apasionados de Dios deben lidiar con capas y capas de lo que el escritor espiritual, Thomas Merton, llamó el «Falso Ser». Este es el ser que siempre nos protege y nos fortalece. Es parte de nuestra fallida naturaleza cuidar siempre de esos sistemas, personas y cosas que nos dan lo que queremos; que nos hacen sentir cómodos y felices.
The struggle to be in control is a kind of addiction that is part of our fallen human nature. Even the most passionate lovers of God must deal with layer upon layer of what spiritual writer, Thomas Merton, called the “False Self.” This is the self that is always protecting and building up ourselves. It is part of our fallen nature to always be taking care of those systems, people, and things that give us what we want, that make us feel comfortable and happy.
During Sunday’s one-year anniversary celebration of On The Way Church, the Rev. Rafael Viana began to see a convergence of many things.
Entre 60 y 86 nacionalidades están representadas detrás de los muros de la instalación de ICE Montana en El Paso, Texas. Es uno de los seis en el país administrado por Inmigración y Control de Aduanas (ICE). Hombres y mujeres de todas las edades y orígenes, algunos de los cuales buscan asilo en los EE. UU., se encuentran actualmente detenidos allí, esperando que se les dé la oportunidad de comenzar una nueva vida o permanecer con sus familias en los EE. UU.
While the deadliest fires ever to strike California continue to burn, Presbyterian Disaster Assistance has deployed four National Response Team members to Southern California, where residents are enduring both a mass shooting and the Woolsey and Hill fires.