Make plans now to join old friends and make new ones at this summer’s Big Tent conference in St. Louis, July 6-8. The theme of this year’s conference is Race, Reconciliation, and the Reformation. Through plenary events, Bible study, workshops, and worship, attendees will be challenged and renewed by the power of the gospel message to overcome our current realities of anxiety, division, and inequality.
222회 총회(2016)에서 신설 자리로 허락한 지위인 미국 장로교회의 한국어 노회 지원 담당 책임자로 최 루크(Luke Choi)목사가 선출되었다.
"루이빌의 장로교 총회팀에 합류하게 된 것을 영광으로 생각합니다." 오하이오 주 클리브랜드 근처에 현재 있는 최씨는 말했다. "지난 18년간 다양한 교구 환경에서 봉사한 저로서는 한국어 카운슬 지원의 첫 번째 관리자로서 이 새로운 모험을 할 준비가 되어 있습니다."
Guided by unpublished sources and interviews with Rachel Robinson and others, Jackie Robinson: A Spiritual Biography (Westminster John Knox Press) is the first book to explore the faith that, Robinson said, carried him through the torment and abuse he suffered for integrating the major leagues and drove him to get involved in the civil rights movement.
The General Assembly Way Forward Commission of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has unanimously adopted an “affirmation” outlining the approach and values of the commission as it engages with the church in its continuing discernment to study and identify a vision for the structure and function of the General Assembly agencies. The text of the affirmation can be found below, and also online.
Recovering from Un-Natural Disasters, a book designed to help pastors and church leaders guide congregations through a period of recovery after a traumatic event affects their community, such as gun violence, suicide, or sexual abuse, is now available from Westminster John Knox Press.
The Reverend Jerry Van Marter, former coordinator for the Presbyterian News Service, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), has been invited by the Reverend J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly, to serve as part-time, interim communications director in the PC(USA)’s Office of the General Assembly (OGA).
Van Marter succeeds the Reverend Toya Richards, who has accepted a new position as senior communications associate for The Night Ministry, a faith-based, social service agency in Chicago.
석사 학위 논문 자료를 수집하는 동안 구글 검색은 세계 교회 협의회 (WCC)와 에밀리 벨티Emily Welty를 처음으로 연결하였다.
장로교와 메노나이트 전통에 뿌리를 둔 기독교 신앙을 가진 젊은 여성은 세계적인 에큐메니칼 공동체, 특히 평화와 정의를 위해 일하는 공동체에 대한 참여로 자연스럽게 이끌리었다.
A Google search while gathering material for her master’s thesis is what first connected Emily Welty with the World Council of Churches (WCC).
With a Christian faith rooted in both the Presbyterian and Mennonite traditions, the young woman gravitated naturally toward participation in a global ecumenical community—especially one committed to working for peace and justice.
Como líderes de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) y de acuerdo con el mandato aprobado por nuestra 222a Asamblea General en junio del 2016, les escribimos para instarles a que utilicen sus buenos oficios para asegurar una respuesta efectiva, rápida y humana a la deuda y la crisis económica que enfrenta Puerto Rico. Esto es muy importante para nosotros, ya que hemos tenido congregaciones presbiterianas en Puerto Rico por más de 100 años.
We representatives of Protestant, Orthodox and Anglican communions in the United States, Church World Service and the National Council of Churches of Christ in the United States, gathered together this 10th day of February, 2017, seek to join our efforts to those of other religious communities striving for the same sacred purposes, and officially declare our strong opposition to the executive order entitled “Protecting the Nation from Terrorist Attacks by Foreign Nationals.” On behalf of our joint membership of 37 national member communions constituting more than 30 million Americans, we stand united in our resolve to love our neighbor as ourselves, and to act justly, love mercy, and walk humbly with our God in fellowship with the vulnerable, the outcast, the widow, the orphan, the immigrant, and all persons in need. As Americans we are a nation of displaced persons.