툴사에서 경찰에게 사살된 테렌스 크럿쳐를 애도하며:
여호와여, 언제까지 나를 잊으시겠습니까?
영원히 잊으실 작정이십니까?
나에게 주의 얼굴을 언제까지 숨기시겠습니까?
내가 언제까지 번민하며 하루 종일 슬퍼해야 합니까?
언제까지 내 원수들이 나를 이기겠습니까?
시편 13:1–2 (KLB, 현대인의 성경)
오클라호마 주 툴사에서 무장하지 않은 40세의 아프리카계 미국인 남성이 경찰총에 맞는 또 하나의 경찰카메라 동영상이 공개되었습니다. 총을 쏜 사람은 백인 여성이었습니다. 툴사 경찰서장 척 조르단은 9월 16일 툴사 경찰이 그를 사살하였을 때에 테렌스 크럿처는 무기를 소지하고 있지 않았으며 자동차 트렁크에서도 발견할 수 없었음을 시인하였습니다. 다시 한 번 또 하나의 아프리카계 미국인 가족이 경찰의 손에 의하여 사랑하는 사람을 잃게 …
While seeking to align his head with his heart—and getting fired for doing so—Pastor Colby Martin discovered how the church has misused the Bible to falsely condemn the LGBTQ community. UnClobber: Rethinking Our Misuse of the Bible on Homosexuality argues against the six “clobber” passages often used to oppress LGBTQ individuals.
Congolese security forces clashed with demonstrators in the nation’s capital, Kinshasa, on Monday reportedly killing dozens. Further protests erupted in Kinshasa and around the country over the next several days. These seem likely to continue—or even intensify—as President Joseph Kabila nears the end of his second term of office without calling a national election to choose his successor.
Join Denise Anderson and Jan Edmiston, Co-Moderators of the 222nd General Assembly (2016) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), as they share regular reflections regularly in this video blog. In this installment Denise visits the Children's Defense Fund, Alex Haley Farm. Please view and share.
지난 3세대 동안의 전쟁과 충격에도 불구하고 콜롬비아에 평화와 화해는 가능하다고 장로교인들과 타 종교 지도자들은 믿는다
Presbyterians and other faith leaders believe peace and reconciliation are possible in Colombia, despite three generations of war and trauma
콜롬비아 북서쪽 우라바 지역에 위치한 집에 거주하는 헤수스 바르가스 쿠에스타는 50년 이상 진행된 전쟁을 치루며 살인, 유괴, 강간, 그리고 거대한 변화들을 경험하였다.
우라바 지역은 전쟁의 최전방으로서 마약과 무기 거래, 게릴라 훈련, 그리고 준 군사적인 움직임으로 드러난 복잡한 전쟁속의 변화된 지형이다.
그는 전한다, “우라바는 두 개의 시간, 두 개의 폭력으로 나뉘어 집니다.” 바라가스는 말하기를 1984-1994년도는 무장된 게릴라에 의한 “바나나 노동자들 단체 학살기간”이었고 1996년도는 “준 군사적 …
On Friday, September 16, Colombian President Juan Manuel Santos applauded the efforts of Presbyterians and other faith communities during a large interfaith gathering he hosted. And, he called on the faith community to continue its work for peace and reconciliation, work he said has inspired him.
“I just want to thank you from the bottom of my heart,” he told the crowd of about 150 faith leaders and others. The presence of the faith community is “an injection of energy in and for me to continue this process.”
While many in Colombia favor the peace accord, a large percentage of the population oppose it. A key leader in the opposition movement is former Colombian President Álvaro Uribe, who served from 2002 to 2010.
Dear Pastors and Clerks of Session,
On behalf of the Presbytery of Charlotte, we are heartbroken and distressed at the events that transpired on September 20, 2016 surrounding the police shooting of Keith Lamont Scott. We pray God’s comfort on all those who grieve for him this day. We also grieve the subsequent violence that followed. We pray for the healing of Charlotte Mecklenburg Police officers and any citizens that were injured. May God guide us to peaceful protests and peace in our city.
As Presbyterians, we not only pray, but we stand with those who hurt. We are present …
Another video has emerged on a police dash camera showing Tulsa, Oklahoma, police shooting an unarmed forty-year-old African American male. The shooter was a white female. Tulsa Police Chief Chuck Jordan admitted that there was no gun found on Terence Crutcher’s person or in his truck when Tulsa Police killed him on September 16th. Once again, another African American family mourns the loss of a loved one at the hands of police. The sounds of anger and lament are heard throughout our nation in various African American communities and others as this theme of death at the hands of those called to protect and serve continues in our country.
Al considerar la necesidad de un comité de personal, el consistorio debe reflexionar sobre el tamaño de la congregación, el consistorio, y el personal. Aunque ya no está especificado dentro del Libro de Orden, es oportuno recordar la orientación de una antigua versión de nuestra Constitución que decía «El consistorio ... tiene la responsabilidad de ... proveer para la administración del programa de la iglesia, incluyendo el empleo de personal no ordenado, dando atención a la aplicación de igualdad de oportunidad de empleo, prácticas de empleo justas, políticas de personal, y la revisión anual de una compensación adecuada para todo el personal, incluyendo a todas las personas empleadas;” (G-10.0102n, edición 2009-2011)[1].
Una presunción religiosa común es que la gente sólo recurre a la oración en momentos de dificultad y desesperación. Cuando era capellana de hospicio, me di cuenta que esa idea era errónea. A menudo, el dolor y el sufrimiento parecen sofocar la propia capacidad para conectarse con Dios en la oración. La oración puede parecer abrumadora e insuficiente cuando el trauma ha atravesado el alma. A menudo me llaman para ayudar a las personas en estos tiempos de desconexión espiritual.