Layers of beauty are in the air. The kind you expect, and the kind you don’t—which runs deep, taking your breath away. At the Presbyterian Ferncliff Camp and Conference Center both are present.
Recognizing the dedication and creativity of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) communications staff, the Associated Church Press awarded 23 prizes to PC(USA) publications during its May 1 convention dinner in Toronto, Canada.
Spring has finally arrived at Princeton Theological Seminary, where the whole campus is now in full bloom. Including Sabrina Slater.
Determined and focused on ending massive, for-profit family detention centers that mirror prisons, faith leaders, community activists, immigration advocates and others marched in solidarity here today outside the largest proposed family detention center in the nation.
“How many of you are ok with for-profit prisons making money off the suffering and slavery of your brothers and sisters?” the Reverend Jim Rigby, pastor of St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church in Austin, Texas, asked the crowd of about 500. “How many of you are comfortable with children being raised in a cage?”
Muchas personas están de luto por el fallecimiento del Reverendo Ernesto Badillo Jr., quien sirvió como Representante regional de la Junta de Pensiones de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) para varios sínodos que en estos momentos lamentan su partida.
The Center for Lifelong Learning will offer once again two sessions of this popular seminar. The weekday course will take place August 2-4, and the weekend course August 14-15. Come to the Waters promises leaders of Presbyterian Women Circles and church school study groups alike nine lessons exploring key references to water in our Scriptures.