Lifting Up Our Voices: Women's Theologies
Before you begin please refer to the introduction to learn more about about the National Network of Presbyterian College Women (NNPCW). You will also find links to download other chapters of Lifting Up Our Voices.
This topic focuses on contemporary North American women’s contributions to theological discourse. We confine this section to an introduction to North American Women’s theologies because of the limited space and the numerous categories of women’s theologies worldwide. Throughout Christian history it has been male theologians who have determined the content of theological study and debate and male theologians who have shaped our concept of the Godhead. But we have entered a new era.
Understanding contemporary women’s theologies is important in our modern world where we understand God to embody both feminine and masculine qualities and where women’s voices and men’s voices together illuminate a more complete understanding of the divine nature. You will find a bibliography of women’s theologies included in the supplemental materials.