basket holiday-bow


A rolled up hose and watering cans in a mountain garden


The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) believes that caring for the earth is an integral part of our faith. Through education and advocacy efforts across various ministries, and the policymaking of the General Assembly, we support economic, environmental, and missional decisions that reflect our values. 

Presbyterians are concerned about the devastating effects of climate change. We acknowledge that people living on the margins are often the most impacted by displacement, property damage, and other climate-related harms, and that powerful entities have been significant contributors to global warming. The church has social witness policy on issues related to the environment and engages with an array of groups to promote socially responsible practices and behavior.

Mission Responsibility Through Investing with Faith-Based Investing and the Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy are two PC(USA) groups leading the church’s response to climate change. The Presbyterian Hunger Program supports the 300+ PCUSA congregations who are certified as Earth Care Congregations, provides preaching/teaching/study resources on climate and other environmental issues, partners with grassroots Presbyterian environmental networks, and connects issues of climate and environment to issues of hunger, poverty, racial and gender justice.

Join us in promoting environmental justice and sustainable living as an expression of our discipleship and commitment to God's creation.

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