2012 Domestic Violence Congregational Packet

Our 2012 packet theme is Entering the Brokenness. Whenever the trauma of domestic violence occurs within a faith community, it is a gross violation of not only the victim of the violence and the immediate family; it also violates the spiritual integrity of the whole community of faith and each of its members. This is especially true when the victim has been murdered. The focus of this packet centers on addressing this grievous issue. It also provides liturgical resources that are designed to help congregations address and cope with the death of a community member, through their worship life together. We see this packet as being the beginning steps of a work in progress as Christian communities develop effective worship resources that enter the brokenness of domestic violence.
The resources that follow:
- Violent Death in the Community of Faith
- One Pastor’s Response to Tragedy, Part I, What Happened
- One Pastor’s Response to Tragedy, Part II, Education
- One Pastor’s Response to Tragedy, Part III, A Service of Remembrance and Healing
- Clinging To the Threshold of Hope, A Sermon
- When Words Fail… The Psalms Speak
- Prayers of Invocation
- A Service of Commitment to Survivors of Family Violence