이 포스터를 사용하여 여러분의 교회에서 성탄절 헌금을 홍보하십시오. 강림절과 성탄절에 우리는 예수 그리스도께서 우리의 주인이시고 구세주가 되신 것을 축하합니다. 성탄절 특별 헌금에 봉헌함으로써 우리는 하나님께서 예수 그리스도와 우리 교회 내의 지도자들에게 우리에게 주신 형언할 수 없는 은사를 인식합니다.
The first 1,000 days of a child's life, from the start of a woman’s pregnancy until the child’s second birthday, have an enormous impact on a child’s ability to grow, learn and rise out of poverty. Presbyterian Women, in partnership with Bread for the World and the 1,000 Days Movement, is working to raise awareness of the importance of maternal and child nutrition during this critical period. PW has pledged, through its partnership with Bread's Women of Faith for the 1,000 Days, to hold 1,000 conversations around the importance of child nutrition. These conversation starters will help you do your part.
The upcoming 10th Assembly of the World Council of Churches will be held in Busan, South Korea October 30- November 8, 2013. It will be more inclusive and welcoming of the wider ecumenical movement than before. And it will be planned and carried out in a spirit of madang (the traditional Korean “courtyard” connecting different parts of a house), inviting participants into a common space of discussion and celebration. You are cordially invited to join other faithful pilgrims in this historic event for Christian fellowship. I will be coordinating a special Visitors’ Program for PCUSA members.
Ten Tips for Creating a Welcoming Environment for Young Adults
Since 1984, more than 300 International Peacemakers from more than 60 countries have been hosted by Presbyterians. They visit presbyteries and churches to share the realities of peace and reconciliation work around the world.
2015 Presbyteries Hosting Peacemakers
International Peacemakers are supported by your gifts to the Peace & Global Witness Offering.
This file can be used to promote the Peace & Global Witness Offering. It is sized to use for Facebook header / cover images.
The Presbyterian Giving Catalog is filled with gifts that exemplify the work prayerfully carried out by ministries of the Presbyterian Mission Agency. These ministries work in collaboration with Presbyterians, congregations, mid councils, and global partners. Every gift has the power to fulfill a need. To change a life. To foster hope and faith. The generosity of Presbyterians around the world helps power the education and development of people and communities. Collectively, we are making a difference. These stories of impact are intended to be shared with your congregation in celebration of, and gratitude for, the magnitude of God’s gracious and …
Use this poster to promote the Christmas Joy Offering in your congregation. This Advent and Christmas season, we celebrate the gift of Jesus Christ as our Lord and Savior. By giving to the Christmas Joy Offering, we recognize the indescribable gift God has given us in Jesus Christ and also in the leaders within our church.
Systemic injustice is much more difficult to recognize than overt acts of racism, making it a much more difficult problem to address. Studies have shown that social institutions—such as schools, judicial systems, banks, and government organizations—give unfair treatment to people based on race or class. Over time, this has led to unequal opportunities for people of color and hindered the growth of their communities.