Recibido durante la temporada de Cuaresma, el pueblo presbiteriano en todo el mundo se une para compartir el amor de Dios con nuestros prójimos necesitados en todo el mundo al brindar alivio a los desastres naturales, alimentos para los hambrientos, y apoyo para los pobres y oprimidos.
사순절 동안 전 세계 장로교인들은 자연 재해 구호, 배고픈 사람들을 위한 식량 지원, 가난하고 억압받는 사람들을 위한 지원을 통해 전 세계의 이웃들과 하나님의 사랑을 나누며 함께 합니다.
사순절 동안 전 세계 장로교인들은 자연 재해 구호, 배고픈 사람들을 위한 식량 지원, 가난하고 억압받는 사람들을 위한 지원을 통해 전 세계의 이웃들과 하나님의 사랑을 나누며 함께 합니다.
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) lets us come together to open our doors — as well as our hearts — to share the love of Christ through our ministries of justice, compassion, and joy.
One Great Hour of Sharing (OGHS) reflects the call of Isaiah to become repairers of the breach, opening doors to become the church with all the people we see.
Feeling demoralized and helpless after days of demanding work for insufficient pay, day laborers in Arizona did not have to suffer in silence thanks to the Southside Worker Center in Tucson, a ministry supported by One Great Hour of Sharing gifts.
The church’s identity reflects the call of Isaiah to become repairers of the breach. It is through One Great Hour of Sharing that Presbyterians come together to open our doors to become the church with all the people we see.
Thanks to One Great Hour of Sharing gifts, a community in Puerto Rico that was facing the threat of displacement formed a trust which acquired title to a 200-acre area that is home to 1,500 families.
Presbyterians, through their gifts to One Great Hour of Sharing, support efforts toward giving everyone access to nutritious food by addressing the root causes of hunger.
Presbyterian Disaster Assistance, supported by One Great Hour of Sharing gifts, helped a community in Haiti construct a school after a devastating earthquake.