Looking to gather friends, family, youth group or classmates for some Christmas fun? Trying to figure out how to do this on Zoom? Here are several simple and satisfying games that can be used for almost any type of group.
Four columns from the “Poverty and Liturgy” issue of Call to Worship: Liturgy, Music, Preaching, and the Arts 54.3 (2020)
We invite God’s guidance to help us embody the abundant, beloved community that we hope to create and believe that God desires. We do that by the ways we plan, interact and practice the work, recognizing that how we are “showing up” matters as much as what we are doing. Core principles guide and align our work with our beliefs and represent lessons learned from our partners. We commit ourselves to the following core principles to address systemic poverty.
This Makers retreat module is for you as a congregational leader to have a tool that equips you and a team for retreat leadership with individual and group creative projects for a camp and conference setting.
The intent of this Confirmation retreat module is for you as a congregational leader to have a tool that equips you and a team for retreat leadership at a camp and conference center.
The intent of this retreat module is for you as a congregational leader to have a tool that equips you and a team for retreat leadership for an intergenerational retreat at a camp and conference center.
This Toolkit provides resources for children and the adults who love them to deepen their understanding of historic and ongoing systems of oppression and ideas to assist them in the work of becoming anti-racist. We hope that it helps you in your efforts to raise children who will join in the struggle for justice and equity for all God’s people.
This promotional graphic can be used in church newsletters, social media, or your church website in the lead up to #GivingTuesday. The graphic is available as a Facebook cover photo and an Instagram post. The download button below provides sample text to include in your promotion.
This resource provides simple, accessible ideas for Christian prayer and formation in a household setting.