November 25 is International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women (the ultimate Orange Day, for those who observe Orange Days on the 25th of each month!). AND it begins 16 Days of Activism Against Gender-based Violence. How will you observe these days of awareness-raising and activism? Here is a list of suggestions that are good all year 'round!
The PW quarterly newsletter highlights recent news from Presbyterian Women at the churchwide level. Find information from the September 2014 meeting of the Churchwide Coordinating Team, news about the 2015 Churchwide Gathering, details about new resources, highlights of conferences and events, and what’s on the horizon for Presbyterian Women. This issue is dated November 2014–January 2015 and reflects news reported through October 15, 2014.
Note: This resource is also distributed as a print piece, mailed with enclosures. This download includes electronic copies of some of the inserts.
Note 2: For an editable Word document, click here.
This brief document contains the key action of the 221st General Assembly (2014) and summarizes the back- ground rationales for each of the five affirmations. The goal is to make this process as inviting as possible for presbytery discussion and voting.
Puede descargar la propuesta de enmiendas a la Constitución aprobada por la 221a Asemblea General (2014) y recomendada a los presbiterios para su voto.
2014 Proposed Amendments to the Constitution (PDF)
These grants are intended to support operating/program purposes such as salary and benefits, insurance, rent, educational materials, etc... These grants are limited to new worshiping communities that are related to the Presbyterian Church (USA), located within the United States and Puerto Rico and were ordinarily established no earlier than July 2010.
New worshiping communities may apply for a one-time Seed Grant of up to $7,500. Matching funds are not required. This grant is designed to encourage the birth of new worshiping communities through congregations and presbyteries rather than to fund the expansion or support of existing congregations or programs.
These grants are intended to support operating/program purposes such as salary and benefits, insurance, rent, educational materials, etc... These grants are limited to new worshiping communities that are related to the Presbyterian Church (USA), located within the United States and Puerto Rico and were ordinarily established no earlier than July 2010.
At least one year after receipt of a Seed Grant, a one-time Investment Grant of up to $25,000 is possible and will provide for the next eighteen months. Approval of Investment Grants is conditioned upon real progress toward completing the tasks set forth in Starting New Worshiping Communities. …
At least eighteen months after receipt of an Investment Grant, a one-time Growth Grant of up to $25,000 is possible. Approval of a Growth Grant is conditioned upon significant progress being made toward meeting the goals and objectives as outlined in the Investment Grant proposal. A dollar-for-dollar match provided through presbytery and/or synod is ordinarily required. In-kind contributions are acceptable and waivers of the match will be considered on a case-by-case basis, upon request. To obtain a Korean translation of this resource, please contact the Mission Program Grants office by phone at (888) 728-7228, Exts. 5230 / 5251 or by …
This grant program provides supplemental funding to the partner congregation and/or presbytery in support of new church organizing pastors or new worshiping community leaders who would not otherwise be able to afford health insurance. These grants are limited to new congregations and new worshiping communities that are related to the Presbyterian Church (USA), are located within the United States and Puerto Rico and were ordinarily established no earlier than July 2010.
Approved By The 221st General Assembly (2014)
Approval of Belhar requires 114 affirmative votes; all other amendments require 86 affirmative votes