Less than 300 miles from Bethlehem, an Armenian family in Syria lives as refugees in their own city. Yet they are not alone—the Jinishian Memorial Program (JMP) is bringing laughter to war-traumatized children at a Christmas party. We’re providing fuel for winter. We help give life-saving care to the injured...
And you can be part of this mission, too.
As Mary sang that first Christmas in this weary yet holy land, we can bring God’s mercy to life, lifting up the lowly, filling the hungry with good things!
Look over the gifts that you can make possible. We itemized some …
The substitute motion is a form of amendment applied when the desire is to amend a motion in several different, nonconsecutive places. It also is used when the text to be amended is longer than a paragraph.
This document includes The Ranking Motions and Some Common Additional Motions. This was distributed as an orange laminated card.
Quicksheets: Fast and Fabulous Ideas for Youth Ministry.
This is a liturgy for departing congregations that was written by Olympia Presbytery.
Download this editable Word version of Presbyterian Women's fourth-quarter 2014 newsletter for PW leaders.
La Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.), en sus decisiones recientes acerca de la ordenación y del matrimonio entre personas del mismo sexo, está tratando de trazar un camino hacia adelante que es retador. Hemos decidido no declarar, como denominación si las relaciones sexuales entre personas de un mismo sexo pueden ser (dentro de ciertas condiciones como el matrimonio u otra forma clara de compromiso) consideradas como fieles y santas. Nos hemos puesto en este camino en dos ocasiones: en lo concerniente a la ordenación y en lo concerniente al matrimonio. Esto significa que nuestra denominación concede la legitimidad y la fidelidad …
미국 장로교는 안수 및 동성 결혼에 대한 최근의 결정들 속에서 도전의 길을 헤치고 앞으로 나아가려는 시도를 하고 있다. 우리는 한 교단으로서 동성간의 성적 관계들 (특정한 조건 하에서: 결혼 관계나 어떤 형태로든지 명백한 헌신적 관계 하에서)을 기독교 신앙에 충실하고 거룩한 것으로 여겨야 할지 말지에 관해 선포하지 않기로 결정했다. 우리는 이러한 입장을 두 번 취했다: 안수와 관련하여 그리고 결혼과 관련하여. 이것은 우리 교단이 인간 생활의 기본적인 요소들 중의 하나와 관련하여 예수 그리스도께서 우리를 어떠한 삶으로 부르시는 지에 대해 서로 상반대되는 두 입장이 모두 합법적이고 충실한 삶이라는 것을 인정한다는 의미이다. 우리 교단의 입장에 의하면 …
This is the annual Advent daily calendar created by Environmental Ministries (Presbyterian Hunger Program). As we await the celebration of Christ’s birth this Advent Season, we give thanks that God sent Jesus Christ for the good of all the world. This daily calendar invites you to take a few moments each day for a simple action, practical change or reflection. You are invited to sing through the hymn It Came upon a Midnight Clear, to read, reflect, act, and connect with God’s good world. Peace be with you this Advent!
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), in recent decisions on ordination and same-gender marriage, is attempting to map a challenging way forward. We have decided not to declare as a denomination whether same-gender sexual relationships are to be regarded as faithful and holy. We have set ourselves on this way twice: regarding ordination and regarding marriage. This means our denomination grants the legitimacy and Christian faithfulness of directly opposing views of what Jesus Christ calls us to in one of the basic elements of human life. This paper explores our challenging way, looking closely at the specific actions we have taken on …