Detroit (the city where the 2014 General Assembly was held) is an example of de-industrialization, population decrease, and official bankruptcy. Using Detroit as a prism, including its redeveloping areas, the report recommends ways to strengthen and re-grow the church's presence, including support for community organizing, better public investment, intentional communities of ministry, and policies to address racial and class division.
This is a theologically-based proposal to make our tax system more progressive and able to raise adequate funds. Using a covenant framework and 5 Christian principles, Tax Justice addresses both personal and corporate taxes under 11 headings, countering the "race to the bottom" of tax competition domestically and internationally, notably through tax havens. The report recommends capping several key tax expenditures and raising some taxes, including "carbon" taxes.
Children and youth are the heart of the annual Pentecost offering, and we encourage congregations to include their gifts as much as possible. We have included a few suggestions below:
Estas ayudas litúrgicas semanales están basadas en el Leccionario Común Revisado. Este recurso, en español e inglés, tiene como objetivo el brindar apoyo al ministerio de las iglesias cuyo servicio de adoración es en español o bilingüe, y provee sugerencias y enlaces en dónde buscar otros recursos para complementar la adoración de la iglesia. Si le interesa saber cuando estos materiales están disponibles puede subscribirse al boletín electrónico de Recursos y relaciones aquí. Si desea obtener más información sobre recursos en español, puede ir a esta página. These weekly liturgical helps are based on the Revised Common Lectionary. …
Gracie the fish and her friends are excited for One Great Hour of Sharing Sunday!
This fun coloring sheet will allow children's imaginations to fill in bright colors and patterns on characters from the popular "Gracie" stories - you can even create some new friends for Gracie!
Download this two-page version of the Presbyterian Women justice-and-peace calendar, easily printed on one sheet, front and back, and share it, post it, forward it to anyone wishing to observe days of the year that are important to peace and justice work.
Download this four-page version of the Presbyterian Women justice-and-peace calendar, trimmed in orange in keeping with PW's observance of Orange Days, and share it, post it, forward it to anyone wishing to observe days of the year that are important to peace and justice work.
Estas ayudas litúrgicas semanales están basadas en el Leccionario Común Revisado. Este recurso, en español e inglés, tiene como objetivo el brindar apoyo al ministerio de las iglesias cuyo servicio de adoración es en español o bilingüe, y provee sugerencias y enlaces en dónde buscar otros recursos para complementar la adoración de la iglesia. Si le interesa saber cuando estos materiales están disponibles puede subscribirse al boletín electrónico de Recursos y relaciones aquí. Si desea obtener más información sobre recursos en español, puede ir a esta página. These weekly liturgical helps are based on the Revised Common Lectionary. …
Presbyterian Hunger Program newsletter from Spring 2015- Breaking Chains. Download the Climate and Food Center Spread.
Engage the Gospel, Discipleship, Your Community and Church Shifts
Engage is about effective evangelism that is part of a disciple making church culture that emphasizes both the importance of social justice and faith sharing. It begins with the Jesus question, “who do you say that I am?”