In the final episode of Lydia’s Listening Session, hosted Tuesday by the offices of Women’s Leadership Development and Leadership Development for Leaders of Color of the Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries, women of color who are in faith leadership roles gathered to share their experiences during the COVID-19 pandemic and how it has impacted their lives and ministries.
"너희는 여호와의 선하심을 맛보아 알지어다." (시편 34:8)
지도자는 맛본다. 난 각 가정에서 각기 음식을 가져와 교회에서 같이 저녁을 먹는 것을 좋아한다. 시애틀의 일본 장로교회에서 성장했던 나는 스시와 테리야키 치킨으로 가득찬 식탁에 대한 추억이 있다. 난 어머니가 주일 아침 일찍 일어나 교회에 가져갈 음식을 만드셨고 그 음식을 가지고 교회로 가는 내내 입에는 침이 가득했던 생각이 난다. 신경 과학자에 의하면 우리의 미각과 후각이 우리의 기억을 가장 강렬하게 끌어낸다고 한다.
El Salmo 34:8 dice "Prueben, y vean que el Señor es bueno."
El liderazgo prueba. Soy fanático de las cenas comunitarias en las iglesias Al haberme criado en la Iglesia Presbiteriana Japonesa en Seattle, tengo recuerdos de mesas llenas de sushi y pollo teriyaki. Recuerdo que mamá se levantó temprano el domingo por la mañana para hacer el plato para la comida en la iglesia y se me hizo la boca agua mientras conducíamos a la iglesia con la comida. Los neurocientíficos hablan de nuestros sentidos del gusto y el olfato como los desencadenantes más fuertes de nuestra memoria.
“O taste and see that the Lord is good …” (Psalm 34:8)
Leaders taste. I am a fan of church potluck suppers. Being nurtured at the Japanese Presbyterian Church in Seattle, I have memories of tables overflowing with sushi and teriyaki chicken. I remember Mom getting up early on Sunday morning to make the dish for the potluck and my mouth watering as we drove to church with the food. Neuroscientists talk about our senses of taste and smell as being our strongest memory triggers.
The Book of Order states in G-3.0106 that “all councils shall adopt and implement a sexual misconduct policy and a child and youth protection policy.”
Laurie Griffith, associate stated clerk and associate director for constitutional interpretation in the Office of the General Assembly, said that nearly all councils have adhered to this governance. However, many policies may be due for reconsideration as churches develop new models for worship and ministry.
How can we not only “watch church” but actually give people the opportunity to live out their faith and participate?
The averted gaze when a member of the stewardship committee approaches. The neglected pledge forms. The Stewardship Sunday sermon the pastor secretly (or not so secretly) dreads giving. The annual stewardship campaign is a rite of autumn that must be endured. Right? Or, could stewardship be about abundance rather than scarcity? What if stewardship was a reason instead of a season?
“Welcoming the Stranger,” a webinar series from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Migration Roundtable, returns at noon Eastern Time on Wednesday, Sept. 22, with an episode focused on family detention.
2020년 베이루트 항구 폭발사고는 나다 라파엘의 세계를 완전히 바꾸었다.
역사상 핵폭발을 제외한 가장 거대한 폭발 중의 하나가 작년 8월 4일 베이루트 항구 지역에서 일어났다. 이 사고로 수백명의 사망자와 수천명의 부상자가 속출했고 약 300,000 명으로 추산되는 …
Las explosiones portuarias de Beirut en 2020 destrozaron el mundo de Nada Raphael.
La devastadora explosión del 4 de agosto del año pasado arrasó el área del puerto de Beirut, fue una de las explosiones no nucleares más grandes de la historia, dejó cientos de muertos, miles de heridos, unas 300.000 personas sin hogar y artistas como Raphael con heridas psíquicas.