Restructuring and redesigning the Presbyterian Mission Agency to help carry out the PC(USA)’s Matthew 25 vision, an extended process that began last fall and won’t conclude until the summer of 2022, could include job losses, the Rev. Diane Moffett confirmed Thursday during an online quarterly meeting of PMA staff attended by nearly 240 employees.
On Sunday, thousands of Cubans from throughout the country took to the streets protesting dire economic conditions and a dramatic surge in COVID-19 cases.
몇 해 전, 나는 워싱턴 DC에서 종교 간 토론에 참석할 기회가 있었다. 주제는 교회나 모스크, 유대교 사원에 왜 그렇게 젊은이들이 적은가 하는 것이었다. 성공회 주교, 아프리카 감리교 감독교회 주교, 남침례교회 목사, 로마 가톨릭 몬시뇰, 두 명의 유대교 랍비(한 명은 보수 전통에서, 또 한 사람은 개혁 전통에서 왔다), 두 명의 무슬림 이맘, 모르몬교 지도자 한 명, 그리고 내가 토론 참석자였다. 나는 다소 겁이 났었다.
Hace varios años, tuve el privilegio de participar en un panel interreligioso en Washington, D.C., sobre la falta de jóvenes adultos en iglesias, mezquitas y sinagogas. El panel incluyó a un obispo episcopal, un obispo episcopal metodista africano, un pastor bautista del sur, un monseñor católico romano, dos rabinos judíos, uno de la tradición conservadora y otro de la tradición reformista, dos imanes musulmanes, un líder mormón y yo. Yo estaba más que intimidado.
Several years ago, I was privileged to serve on an interfaith panel in Washington, D.C., on the topic of why so few young adults were remaining in churches, mosques, and synagogues. The panel included an Episcopal bishop, an African Methodist Episcopal bishop, a Southern Baptist pastor, a Roman Catholic monsignor, two Jewish rabbis—one from the conservative tradition and one from the reform tradition, two Muslim imams, a Mormon leader, and me. I was more than a little intimidated.
The 225th General Assembly is still a year away, but leaders in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and Office of the General Assembly are already looking at how worship will fit into a hybrid gathering. While details are still to be worked out, those participating in recent planning meetings want to look at new ways to incorporate worship into the Assembly.
It’s little wonder that Hussam Qumsieh dreams of peace.
A Maryland Girl Scout hosted a “cookies and milk” coffee hour for her church as a way to build fellowship.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Office of Public Witness participated in an ecumenical call on Tuesday to support a bill before the House of Representatives calling for a commission to study reparations for people who are Black following centuries of injustice.
To our Cuba Partners Network family, On Sunday, thousands of people took to the streets all over Cuba, and the news of protests has held us in the United States captive as we wonder what it means for our partners in Christ, the church, and the country of Cuba. It is simply just too early to tell.