Seven presbyteries and one congregation have been selected to be part of the third wave of the Vital Congregations Initiative in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A).
The United States Attorney’s Office for the District of Massachusetts charged a Maine man in federal court Thursday in connection with setting the Dec. 28, 2020 fire that destroyed the predominantly Black Martin Luther King, Jr. Community Presbyterian Church in Springfield.
The docket for the 225th General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) has been confirmed and conversations continue about what happens for the 226th gathering in 2024. Thursday was a busy final day for the Committee on the Office of the General Assembly during its virtual three-day spring meeting.
University of the Ozarks announced Wednesday that it has raised more than $73 million in gifts and commitments in its seven-year Climb Higher: A Campaign for Students, shattering the campaign’s initial goal of $55 million.
우리 모두는 주목받고자 하는 깊은 욕구가 있다. 최근 애틀랜타에서 젊은 남성이 총으로 여덟 명을 살해한 사건 이후, 나는 이를 절실하게 경험했다. 사망자 중 여섯 명은 아시아계 여성이었다. 이 사건을 통해 미 전역에서 급격하게 아시아인 혐오가 증가하고 있는 것이 분명하게 드러났다.
Cada persona tiene una profunda necesidad de ser visto. Esta verdad fue más real para mí cuando un joven blanco disparó y mató a ocho personas, seis de las cuales eran mujeres asiático-estadounidenses en Atlanta recientemente. Esas muertes pusieron de relieve el dramático aumento del odio contra el pueblo asiático en todo nuestro país.
Each of us has a deep and profound need to be seen. That truth has never been more real to me than when a young white man shot and killed eight people, six of whom were Asian American women, in Atlanta recently. Those deaths brought into clear focus the dramatic rise of anti-Asian hatred across our country.
For nearly three years, Woods Memorial Presbyterian Church near Annapolis, Maryland, has been transforming its grounds and nearby woods with native plants to help protect local waterways and attract butterflies and other wildlife.
The Embangweni School for the Hard of Hearing in Malawi has educated hundreds of students who were once thought unable to learn. With two new blocks of classrooms, the Church of Central Africa Presbyterian (CCAP), a long-time Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) global partner, the school now has the capacity to educate more students than ever before.
Last year at this time, the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) was scrambling to pull together a completely virtual General Assembly gathering. They had four months to do it. While a large part of the scheduled business was delayed two years, the Assembly was held, and the church moved on.