Faith leaders will gather in front of the Justice Department in Washington D.C. and march to Freedom Plaza Friday afternoon to lament lives lost and demand just policies in policing and an end to racism.
With each of his guests on the podcast Leading Theologically, the Rev. Dr. Lee Hinson-Hasty opens with the same question: what is making you come alive? On Wednesday, the Rev. Laura Mariko Cheifetz, a PC(USA) pastor and the assistant dean of Admissions, Vocation and Stewardship at the Vanderbilt University School of Divinity, had a ready answer.
A new report reveals the resilience and innovation among fundraisers of color in Christian communities.
Registration is now open for “Reading the Bible with New Eyes: Learning and Practicing Life-Giving Faith in Guatemala.”
A congregation makes grief relief kits with prayer shawls, treats and mementos to comfort church members who suffered a loss.
The Presbyterian Mental Health Network and the Presbyterian Mission Agency announced a formal partnership during Thursday’s online meeting of the PMA Board.
Keya Chatterjee was speaking to a crowd preparing to virtually walk into the halls of power and ask their legislators to do what many deem impossible: supporting legislation that takes decisive steps to stop climate change and address its impacts.
Fabienne Jean of Haiti doesn’t need anyone to tell her that climate change is real. Her country and its people already are experiencing its effects.
The Rev. Matt McCoy, pastor of Spring Church, a new worshiping community in Bellingham, Washington, had a thought-provoking question for his online guest Wednesday: Is the blood of tribalism deeper than the waters of baptism?
In the final days of his earthly walk, Jesus was spat upon, beaten, berated, tortured and finally crucified on a wooden cross. Even as he hung there with blood trickling down his face, hands and feet, people stood jeering and mocking him. The Son of God, who had the power to call an army of angels to lift him from that rugged piece of wood, remained there, taking in every hate-filled word.