Meeting at the Presbyterian Center for three days beginning Monday, the Special Committee on Per-Capita Based Funding and National Church Financial Sustainability Committee is wrapping up the task of completing its final report by the Feb. 21 deadline for consideration by the 224th General Assembly this summer.
A key player in the Presbyterian church’s reunification in the 1980s has died. James Frederick Kubik, known as “J,” died on January 4 at the age of 89.
Kubik served on the General Assembly of the United Presbyterian Church from 1981 to 1989 as well as chair of the finance committee during reunification. He is credited with putting together the package that eventually became the agreement between David Jones, the City of Louisville, and the church about the relocation of the church headquarters to Louisville, Kentucky.
미국과 이란 간의 폭력적 교류가 일주일 이상 지속된 후, 많은 종교 지도자들이 외교와 평화 구축을 촉구하는 서한에 서명했다. 미국장로교 총회 정서기인 제이 허버트 넬슨 목사를 포함한 19명의 지도자들은 최근의 사건들을 통해 미국이 취하고 있는 방향에 대해 "깊은 혼란"을 경험하고 있다고 말한다.
Después de más de una semana de violentos intercambios entre los EE. UU. e Irán, varios líderes de fe han firmado una carta al Congreso llamando a la diplomacia y a los esfuerzos pacificadores. Diecinueve líderes, incluyendo al Reverendo Dr. J. Herbert Helson II, Secretario Permanente de la Asamblea General de la IP (EE. UU.), escribieron que los eventos recientes les han dejado «profundamente perturbados» sobre la dirección que EE. UU. está tomando.
Glasgow (Kentucky) Presbyterian String Academy was born, the church’s transitional minister, the Rev. Charlie Evans says, because the church paid attention to what God was saying. It’s a good thing Presbytery of Mid-Kentucky was listening as well.
미국장로교의 225차 총회(2022)는 아직 2년 반이 남아있지만, 오하이오 주 콜럼버스에서 열리는 모임의 준비는 이미 진행 중이다. 최근 총회 사무국 위원회(COGA)는 원래 2022년 6월 25일-7월 2일로 잡혀 있던 일정에서 한 주일을 미루는 추천안을 통과시켰다.
Aunque son más de dos años y medio hasta la 225ª Asamblea General (2022) de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.), ya se han puesto en marcha planes de celebrar el evento en Columbus, Ohio. Inicialmente programado desde el 25 de junio hasta el 2 de julio de 2022, el Comité de la Oficina de la Asamblea General (COGA por sus siglas en inglés) hace poco aprobó una recomendación de cambiar las fechas en una semana.
Which Harry Potter character are you? Which famous clown are you? Which “Friends” character are you?
Talking about gun violence can be tricky in church settings, where the topic may be viewed as too political or too controversial. But a Jan. 14 webinar in the “Standing Our Holy Ground” series may make it easier for congregations and other people of faith to have those conversations.
Once rescued, survivors of human trafficking are often reluctant to talk about their experiences. This is usually because they are afraid of being blamed by family and community for the exploitation and abuse they’ve suffered at the hands of bosses and employment agencies.