With the authority of someone who’s been important to the civil rights movement since she was a 15-year-old high school junior, Elizabeth Ann Eckford offered the annual gathering of the Association of Presbyterian Church Educators Wednesday a firsthand account of her year as a member of the Little Rock Nine, the African American students chosen in 1957 to begin the desegregation of Central High School in Little Rock three years after the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that segregated schools are unconstitutional.
The Calvin Institute of Christian Worship (CICW) announced that it will fund 15 grants to teacher-scholars for 2020-2021 as part of its Vital Worship Grants program.
The PC(USA)'s Office of Vital Congregations will hold a conference in April in Austin to help congregations and presbyteries learn to have a more vital life together in Christ and reach out in service to their communities.
미네소타 주 애플 밸리에 있는 Spirit of Life 교회 교인들은 지난주 교인 중 한 명인 글래디스 음보니포르와 작별할 준비를 했으나 그녀가 항소할 때까지 머물 수 있게 되자 예상됐던 슬픔의 눈물은 기쁨의 눈물로 바뀌었다.
카메룬 출신인 음보니포르는 2011년 내전 때문에 미국으로 건너왔다. 그녀와 그녀의 딸은 애플 밸리에 정착했고 교회 및 공동체와 신속히 연결되었다. 그녀는 망명을 신청했고 이민국 직원에게 배정되었다.
Miembros de la Iglesia Presbiteriana Spirit of Life en Apple Valley, Minnesota, se prepararon para despedirse de uno de sus miembros la semana pasada, pero las lágrimas de tristeza anticipadas se convirtieron en lágrimas de gozo cuando se le otorgó a Gladys Mbonifo un aplazamiento mientras espera su apelación.
February marks the month when black excellence is celebrated across this country. Each year during Black History Month, Americans celebrate and commemorate the extraordinary contributions African Americans have made and continue to make to the United States of America.
The Presbyterian Historical Society (PHS) has awarded four Heritage Preservation Grants to PC(USA) congregations. The winners are Handsboro Presbyterian Church in Gulfport, Mississippi; United Presbyterian Church in Sackets Harbor, New York; Graham Presbyterian Church in North Vernon, Indiana; and Little River Presbyterian Church in Hurdle Mills, North Carolina. All four churches were organized between 200 to 240 years ago.
As Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission co-workers based in Japan over the past several years, my wife, Ann, and I have made numerous mission trips to Myanmar to further our partnership with the Presbyterian Church of Myanmar (PCM).
The Center for Lifelong Learning (CLL) at Columbia Theological Seminary announces its new art exhibit featuring North Carolina artist Ally Markotich.
In general, smaller- and medium-sized congregations in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), together with their counterparts in the Episcopal Church, assigned themselves higher scores as part of a vital congregations survey than larger congregations.