After hearing social media feedback that parents were not enamored with Vacation Bible School offerings at nearby churches, Evergreen Presbyterian Church in Memphis, Tenn., created from scratch its own Peace Camp, which it held last month.
After two days of plenary sessions, workshops, and worship, Nancy Pienta of Valatie, New York found herself painting in the spacious, sunlight-drenched main hall of Stony Point Center’s Art Space.
It’s a tough time to care for the Earth.
푸에르토 리코에서 정치 드라마가 계속 전개됨에 따라 미국장로교 총회 정서기인 제이 허버트 넬슨 목사는 시민과 장로교인들에게 정부의 변화를 촉구하는 지지를 표명했다.
넬슨은 “푸에르토 리코의 자매 및 형제들을 계속 괴롭히는 정치적, 사회적 폭력을 무시할 수 없습니다” 라고 말했다. "정치 지도력의 지속적인 전환에 직면함에 따라 우리는 특히 보리쿠엔 미국장로교 대회Sínodo Presbiteriano Boriquén의 장로교 파트너들과 함께합니다."
지난주 푸에르토 리코의 주지사인 리카르도 로셀로Ricardo Rosselló는 그의 내각 구성원 및 다른 개인 간의 일련의 통신에서 비롯된 대규모 반정부 시위로 사임했다. 의사 소통은 인종차별주의, 동성애 혐오성 및 착각으로 묘사되었다. 또한, 전직 내각 2 명과 정부 계약자 3 명이 …
La semana pasada, el gobernador de Puerto Rico, Ricardo Rosselló renunció tras protestas masivas contra el gobierno después de que saliera a la luz una serie de comunicaciones entre Rosselló, miembros de su gabinete y otras personas. Las comunicaciones fueron descritas como racistas, homofóbicas y misóginas. Además, dos ex miembros del gabinete y tres contratistas del gobierno enfrentan cargos de corrupción relacionados con robo, lavado de dinero y fraude.
Al renunciar a su cargo el viernes pasado, Rosselló seleccionó a su sucesor, Pedro Pierluisi. Sin embargo, la Corte Suprema de Puerto Rico dictaminó ayer que la juramentación de Pierluisi era inconstitucional.
As the political drama continues to unfold in Puerto Rico, the Reverend J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), has voiced support for its citizens and Presbyterians, who are calling for change in the government.
“We cannot ignore the political and social violence that has continued to plague our sisters and brothers in Puerto Rico,” said Nelson. “As they face continuing transitions in political leadership, we stand with them, especially our Presbyterian partners in the Sínodo Presbiteriano Boriquén.”
Mark Eakin and Dennis Hartwig met at the Presbyterians for Earth Care National Conference while getting a fill-up … on the grounds of the conference venue, Stony Point Center.
Following Big Tent last week, 20 young adults came together for the Presbyterian Intercultural Young Adult Network conference. Eleven different ethnicities were represented.
The Rev. Dr. Paul Huh, the PC(USA)’s associate for Korean translation, used the Études of Polish composer Frédéric Chopin during Wednesday worship at the Presbyterian Center Chapel to help worshipers pray and meditate.
One of the major events at Big Tent 2019 was the Ceasefire Walk in downtown Baltimore. The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) joined with local Presbyterian churches for a walk and prayer stops to remember victims of gun violence in the city.
Randy Hobson, manager of design and multimedia with the Office of the General Assembly, has produced a brief highlight of the walk and the reflections from the Reverend Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of the PC(USA).