많은 한국인들이 북쪽의 이웃나라를 생각할 때 마음에 떠오르는 문구는 이웃적이지 않다. "뿔이 있는 괴물" 또는 "제거해야 할 악마"는 지난 30년간 한국에서 몇 가지 에큐메니칼 및 장로교 직책을 감당한 이문숙 목사가 쓴 글이다.
The Rev. Dr. Gregory Ellison, one of the keynoters for the 1001 New Worshiping Communities and Vital Congregations national gathering October, remembers how he felt in the midst of a media firestorm six years ago.
In December 2018, I participated in a World Mission global partner consultation in Nairobi, Kenya. The gathering was attended by Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission co-workers serving in Africa and leaders and members of the various African churches and organizations with whom we partner in God’s mission. The purpose of the consultation was to hear about the work and witness of ministry on the African continent, and to gain insight for the development of the future strategy of World Mission.
As pastor of Covenant Presbyterian Church in Kansas City, Missouri, my job is to make things happen that are sometimes out of the box — like starting a food pantry for musicians.
Steve Durham, assistant director of Louisville Metro Department of Corrections, plans to speak to Presbyterians Wednesday as they make their way from the Presbyterian Center to local government offices to call for an end to the cash bail system.
¿Qué pasa cuando se anima a escuchar sobre el racismo? Para algunas personas, es algo que está en el pasado, pero para muchas hay recordatorios diarios de prácticas antiguas o actuales. Como pueblo cristiano, nos esforzamos por ser como Jesús; reconocer la existencia del racismo es el primer paso para luchar por la justicia y brindar integridad a TODO el pueblo de Dios.
Aprovechando el impulso del año pasado, el Reverendo Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Secretario Estatal de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.), Dirigirá un grupo por las calles de Louisville, Kentucky, la próxima semana, llamando al Para acabar con el sistema de fianza en efectivo. Nelson ha estado sensibilizando activamente sobre el tema desde una marcha en el centro de St. Louis en la 223a Asamblea General (2018) el año pasado.
목회자를 찾고 있는 교회와 교회를 찾고 있는 목회자는 수년 간 교회 리더십 커넥션(CLC)에 의존하여 그 일을 실현했다. 컴퓨터 데이터 베이스와 매칭 시스템을 통해 목회지 신청자는 온라인으로 개인 정보 양식을 작성하고 교회 및 교회 관련 기관의 목사 혹은 직원을 뽑는 정보를 제공받을 수 있다.
Durante años, las iglesias que buscan pastores/as y viceversa han confiado en la Conexión de Liderazgo para Iglesias (CLC por sus siglas en ingles). La base de datos y el sistema de correspondencia permiten a los solicitantes de llamamientos completar formularios de información personal en línea y les brinda a las iglesias y organizaciones relacionadas con la iglesia, oportunidades para proporcionar información sobre lo que buscan en un/a pastor/a o miembro del personal.
For years, churches seeking pastors and pastors seeking churches have relied on the Church Leadership Connection (CLC) to make that happen. The computer database and matching system allows call seekers to fill out personal information forms online and provides churches and church-related organizations with the opportunity to provide information on what they seek in a pastor or staff member.