El liderazgo de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE. UU.) emitió una declaración para conmemorar el primer aniversario del impacto del huracán María en Puerto Rico. El huracán de categoría 4 azotó la isla el 20 de septiembre del 2017, forzando a millones de personas a dejar sus hogares, destruyendo la infraestructura de energía de la isla y dejando miles de muertos.
While they come from different generations and different continents, Ravo Vonialiosa and Lucy Janjigian are both shaped by histories of hardship that nurture their passion for peace and justice.
Mission Presbytery — 134 congregations in the southern fifth of Texas — has a lot in common with your presbytery. We’ve had some congregations merge as a way to seek survival, and others close if no other options seemed available. Also like you, we’ve lost some congregations to other denominations. We’re convinced, however, that God’s presence among us is not lessened. We believe that God still has plenty to do among the saints in South Texas. So we as a presbytery are choosing instead to “make lemonade out of our lemons” — or in more theological terms, to practice resurrection.
“Let us worship our Creator with minds open to the wisdom of all God’s people, remembering that once listening and respect once had no place in our society.” These were the opening words to the Call to Worship led by Elona Street-Stewart, executive of the Synod of Lakes and Prairies, as staff and guests celebrated Native American Day at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) Center in Louisville on September 12.
Baltimore, Maryland has been selected as the location for Big Tent 2019. The event will be held August 1-3 at the adjacent downtown Radisson and Lord Baltimore Hotels.
The story of the feeding of the 5,000 in Mark 6 starts with the disciples coming to Jesus and asking him to send the people away to buy food for themselves. Jesus responds to this well-meaning advice by saying, “You give them something to eat” (Mk. 6:37). The disciples look at the crowd and then look at what they have to offer, and their response to Jesus is basically, “It’s not enough!”
마가복음 6 장에서 5,000명을 먹이신 이야기는 제자들이 예수님께 나아가서 백성들을 보내어 그들 자신을 위해 음식을 사라고 요청하는 것으로 시작됩니다. 예수께서는 이 유익한 충고에 "너희가 먹을 것을 주라"(막6:37)고 대답합니다. 제자들은 군중을 보고 나서 그들이 제공해야 할 것을 살펴 봅니다. 예수님에 대한 그들의 반응은 기본적으로 "충분하지 않습니다!" 입니다.
La historia de la alimentación de 5,000 personas en Marcos 6 comienza cuando los discípulos se acercan a Jesús y le piden que envíe a la gente a comprar comida para ellos. Jesús responde a este consejo bien intencionado diciendo: «Denles ustedes de comer» (Marcos 6:37). Los discípulos miran a la multitud y luego miran lo que tienen para ofrecer, y su respuesta a Jesús es básicamente: «¡No es suficiente!»
Baltimore, Maryland ha sido seleccionada como sede de La Gran Carpa 2019. El evento se realizará del 1 al 3 de agosto en los hoteles Radisson y Lord Baltimore adyacentes del centro de la ciudad.
In just 51 years, the Rev. Dr. Charles “Chip” Andrus lived a truly remarkable life. He passed away the weekend of September 8, after a lengthy battle with cancer.