The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board (PMAB) continued its sessions today at the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) headquarters in Louisville, Kentucky. The new board’s first meeting since the 223rd General Assembly (2018) featured a revised committee structure that better reflects the ecclesiastical nature of the board and places all committees under the “Programs” category or the “Administrative” category. Committees under the Programs umbrella include Mid Councils, Nurture the Body, and Outreach to the World. Committees that fall under the Administrative umbrella include Resource Allocation & Stewardship, Property & Legal, and Personnel & Nominating.
Los presbiterianos que tengan interés con el compromiso ecuménico tienen la oportunidad de continuar su educación a través de la beca Eugene Carson Blake. Se están aceptando solicitudes para becas otorgadas por el Instituto Ecuménico de Bossey, Suiza.
에큐메니칼 참여에 관심이 있는 장로교인은 Eugene Carson Blake 장학금을 통해 교육을 계속할 수 있는 기회가 있다. 현재 스위스의 Bossey 에큐메니칼 연구소Ecumenical Institute가 수여 할 장학금 신청서가 접수중이다.
Presbyterians with an interest in ecumenical engagement have an opportunity to continue their education through the Eugene Carson Blake Scholarship. Applications are now being accepted for the scholarships that will be awarded by the Ecumenical Institute at Bossey.
The Kentucky Supreme Court today ruled to send back to a lower court a defamation case filed by a former employee against the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). In a 4–3 ruling, Kentucky’s highest court returned the case — filed by former Presbyterian Mission Agency employee the Rev. Eric Hoey — to Jefferson Circuit Court to determine whether it is a matter for the Church to decide or whether the case should be tried in civil court.
During the first meeting of the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board since the 223rd General Assembly (2018), the Revs. Joe Morrow, PMAB chair, and Warren Lesane, chair-elect, along with the Rev. Dr. Diane Moffett, the newly elected president and executive director of the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA), led the board through opening plenary and worship.
The Rev. Shanea D. Leonard, pastor of Judah Fellowship Christian Church, a New Worshiping Community of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), has accepted a new position with the Presbyterian Mission Agency. Leonard has been called as the new associate for racial and gender justice, working in the agency’s Racial Equity & Women’s Intercultural Ministries (RE&WIM).
The Presbyterian Planning Calendar, a beloved publication of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), is seeking photo submissions from congregations, mid councils, camps, conference centers and education centers for use in its 2019–2020 edition.
Pastor Richard Rojas describes walking into his sanctuary at Puerto Nuevo Presbyterian Church after Hurricane Maria and sitting down and crying. The Category 4 storm hit his church in Puerto Rico hard. Roofs were torn off adjacent buildings, a metal fence lie twisted on the street in front of the church, and there was water damage in the sanctuary.
El pastor Richard Rojas describe que caminar hacia la Iglesia Presbiteriana de Puerto Nuevo después del huracán María y sentarse a llorar. La tormenta de categoría 4 golpeó fuertemente a su iglesia en Puerto Rico. Los techos fueron arrancados de los edificios adyacentes, una valla de metal se retorció en la calle frente a la iglesia y hubo daños a causa del agua en el santuario.