Marvella Lambright didn’t realize that some women use dried cow dung to absorb their monthly flow of blood until she attended her first Commission on the Status of Women (CSW) session at the United Nations several years ago. There she learned that women in some countries don’t have access to the sanitary products that are available in the United States and other parts of the world. This surprised her and helped her realize that the best way to find out what is really happening in the world is to talk with people from other countries.
China is investing billions of dollars to build infrastructure all over Asia — Malaysia, the Philippines, and most recently, Sri Lanka. China says it is building a modern-day “silk road” (a nod to its ancient trade route), but some believe there are staggering consequences to signing away too much control to the Chinese, including irreparable environmental harm and debt so large it can never be repaid.
I once considered becoming an Episcopal priest. I would sometimes attend an Episcopal church with a friend, and I guess I was enchanted by the billowing clouds of incense coming from a metal ball the priest swung from a chain.
A group of American religious leaders consisting of priests, rabbis, imams and other clergy, have joined forces to seek a preliminary injunction to stop the deportation of immigrants currently residing in the U.S. The so-called Amici, which include the Rev. Dr. J. Herbert Nelson, II, Stated Clerk of the General Assembly of Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and eight Presbyterian pastors, argue that U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) is trying to silence freedom of speech by targeting immigrants who speak out publicly against U.S. policy on the issue.
Madagascar is one of the poorest countries in the world with some of the highest chronic childhood malnutrition anywhere. The Fiangonan’i Jesoa Kristy eto Madagasikara (FJKM), the PC(USA) partner denomination in Madagascar, believes that as Christians, we should help our neighbors both spiritually and physically. Reducing poverty and improving food security are important components of FJKM’s outreach efforts.
Two years ago, I collaborated with colleagues and friends to develop an experimental, art-making, spirit-stirring, imagination space called Creation Lab. We believed that the church needed spaces set aside for creativity and trying new things — a research and design space, if you will.
The Rev. Dr. Katie Geneva Cannon was ordained April 24, 1974, in Shelby, North Carolina by the Catawba Presbytery, in the Synod of Catawba. According to the Presbyterian Office of Information, the United Presbyterian Church listed 154 white women as ordained clergy at that time.
Ascend the church’s steep driveway on any given day during peak hiking season — March through November — and you’ll see pup tents pitched on the church’s grassy knoll. Flanking the driveway are plastic lawn chairs doubling as drying racks, draped with underwear, pants, shorts and soggy socks of every size and color, drying in the sun and wind. Backpacks are opened to breathe needed fresh air and an array of hiking boots, creased and worn from the sharp Pennsylvanian rocks, rest nearby, exhausted from the journey.
La Sociedad Histórica Presbiteriana (PHS) recientemente transfirió al video digital una rara versión de 16 mm del domingo en el Children's Corner, el primer programa de televisión que presenta el piano y los títeres del ministro presbiteriano Fred Rogers, apoyando a su socio creativo, Josie Carey.
Carey nació como Josephine Vicari el 20 de agosto de 1930, en Pittsburgh. Ella fue una de los primeros empleados de WQED, comenzando a trabajar seis meses antes de que la estación saliera al aire. Las letras, la canción y el baile de Carey, junto a los títeres de Rogers corrían semanalmente desde 1953 a 1961. El programa atrajo la atención nacional después de su sindicación por NBC y ganó un Premio Sylvania en 1955.
En ese momento, Carey se enfrentó al rechazo en contra del espectáculo que no solo era entretenido, sino también educativo. El programa pionero allanó el camino para «El vecindario de Mister Rogers», que cumplió 50 años el 19 de febrero y presentó a Daniel tigre rayado, Rey Viernes, el Buho X y otros personajes.
장로교 역사 소사이티(PHS)는 창조적 파트너인 조시 캐리Josie Carey와 장로교 목사 프레드 로저스Fred Rogers의 피아노 연주와 인형극을 특징으로 하는 최초의 TV 프로그램인 Children's Corner에서 16mm 크기의 드문 일화를 최근 디지털 비디오로 전송하였다.
캐리는 1930년 8월 20일 피츠버그에서 조세핀 비카리 Josephine Vicari라는 이름으로 태어났다. 그녀는 WQED의 첫 번째 직원 중 한 사람으로, 방송을 시작하기 6개월 전부터 작업을 시작했다. Rogers의 인형과 함께 Carey의 가사, 노래 및 춤은 1953년에서 1961년까지 매주 실행되었다. 이 프로그램은 NBC의 신디케이트 조직에 이어 전국적 관심을 모았고 1955년 Sylvania 상을 받았다.
캐리는 쇼가 교육용이 아니라 재미를 위주로 한다고 당시 반대에 직면했다. 선구자적인 계획은 다니엘 줄무늬 호랑이, 금요일 13대 대왕, 10대 올빼미 및 기타 캐릭터를 소개하면서 2월 19일 50해를 맞이하는 미스터 로저스의 이웃이라는 프로그램의 길을 열었다.