Black smoke could be seen from miles away early Sunday evening as fire broke out in a three-story residential home in Brooklyn, New York. As many as 200 firefighters responded as flames spread to five houses and the Presbyterian Church of the Crossroads. One of the houses was the church manse. As many as nine people, mostly firefighters, were injured before the fire could be brought under control.
Meredith Cox was sitting in a classroom at Princeton Theological Seminary when the Rev. Dr. Jason Brian Santos walked in and changed her life. Or at least her summer plans.
The board of the Presbyterian Mission Agency (PMA) of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) will receive for discussion and approval the proposed PMA budget at its meeting April 26-29 in Louisville. Broad areas of the budget include a 15 percent reduction in spending in 2017 and 2018 as compared to 2016 and realignment of resources to fulfill the goals of the bridge Mission Work Plan.
Communications groups within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) were honored for their contributions to religious communications in 2015 with 17 “Best of the Christian Press” awards spanning a variety of topics and media. The awards were presented at the 100th anniversary gathering of the Associated Church Press, meting in St. Louis – the city in which it was founded – April 20-22.
Greater Atlanta 노회가 가장 큰 한인 교회인 아틀란타 연합 장로교회를 담임했던 정인수 목사의 죽음을 발표했다. 그는 캄보디아 선교지에서 돌아온 직후인 2016년 4월 17일(그의 61번째 생일)에 갑자기 죽음을 맞이했다.
Nearly a month after an electrical fire heavily damaged its sanctuary, the First Presbyterian Church of Englewood, New Jersey is still counting its blessings. The March 22nd blaze destroyed portions of the roof, stained-glass windows and the church steeple in the building which dates back to 1870.
A timely, new Being Reformed: Faith Seeking Understanding study honors the 50th anniversary of the Confession of 1967 and the anticipated adoption of the Confession of Belhar as a confessional standard of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) at the 222nd General Assembly (2016) in Portland this summer.
The Presbytery of Greater Atlanta announced the death of the Rev. In Soo (James) Jung, pastor of the largest Korean PC(USA) church, Korean Community Presbyterian Church (KCPC). He died suddenly on April 17, 2016—his 61st birthday—shortly after returning from a mission trip in Cambodia.
An intentional young adult Christian community, “ConFluence” being formed at Crestfield Camp and Conference Center recently participated in a transformative moment for an aging Presbyterian Church — and for neighborhood kids in a working class neighborhood.
At a time when Christians-Muslim relations are discussed daily in nearly every corner of the world, Niger in West Africa remains one of the best examples of mutual respect and peaceful co-existence between the two faiths.