New Castle Presbytery believes mission is the way to build unity, so it recently voted to give a $20,000 check to Presbyterian World Mission, in what it hopes is the first of many.
For the second year in a row, a representative from the Presbyterian Ministry at the United Nations was granted the opportunity to speak to the Commission on the Status of Women. Ryan Smith, Presbyterian representative at the United Nations, read a statement on behalf of the church on the importance of education linked to sustainable development.
The congregation of the First Presbyterian Church of Englewood, New Jersey may not have had a sanctuary to celebrate Easter yesterday, but that didn’t stop them. More than 500 people gathered at the Bergen Performing Arts Center for Easter services. The facility was offered to the church after a fire last week heavily damaged the historic sanctuary.
Serving those living outside is nothing new for Calvary Presbyterian Church in Riverside, California. The church has a history of feeding homeless guests since 1985. For more than 30 years the congregation of Calvary, with support from the community of Riverside, has provided a healthy and balanced meal every Sunday night to people living outside and others in need.
For Christians the world over, the festival of Easter—the great day of resurrection—is not only the foundation of the faith but also the central event of the liturgical year. And yet Easter isn’t just a Sunday. It’s also a season and a new way of life. For the Rev. Dr. Chip Andrus, pastor of South Salem (New York) Presbyterian Church—who has previously served as an adjunct professor at Louisville Presbyterian Theological Seminary and a guest lecturer at the University of Dubuque Theological Seminary—it’s also a clarion call to keep liturgical time and practice.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) filed an appeal yesterday in the Rev. Eric Hoey’s lawsuit against the church, asking the Kentucky Court of Appeals to reverse a March 17, 2016 decision by the Jefferson Circuit Court to lift its stay in the case.
La Oficina de la Asamblea General de la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) se ha asociado con las Iglesias Unificadas en Cristo (CUIC) para producir un video sobre raza. A través del enfoque del asesinato de Michael Brown en Ferguson, Missouri, Race and the Church: A New Call explora cómo las iglesias miembros de CUIC, incluyendo la IP (EE.UU.), están respondiendo al actual clima racial en los Estados Unidos, y les desafía a ver más allá de sí mismos, mientras trabajan por la justicia hacia el futuro.
CUIC와 OGA비디오가인종과교회를탐구하다
미국 장로교 총회 사무처 (OGA)는 인종에 대한 비디오를 만들기 위해 CUIC (Churches Uniting in Christ )와 협력하고 있다. 미주리 주 퍼거슨에서 살해된 마이클 브라운 (Michael Brown) 사건의 렌즈를 통해, 인종과 교회: 새로운 부르심 (Race and the Church: A New Call)이라는 비디오는 미국 장로교를 포함하여 CUIC회원 교회들이 미국에서의 현 인종 갈등 분위게 어떻게 반응하고 있는지를 탐구하고, 그들이 미래의 정의를 위해 일하는 동안 그들 자신들 너머를 바라볼 수 있도록 도전할 것이다.
Representatives from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) are spending Holy Week in parts of Europe, following the path of Syrian refugees who fled war and violence at home and are seeking safety in other parts of the world.
“The fighting continues in South Sudan and the people continue to suffer with the greatest number of and most innocent sufferers being the children,” said Leisa Wagstaff, a Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) mission co-worker in South Sudan. “Having fled their homes amid a lot of terror and uncertainty, they have arrived in resettlement areas and are still fighting for their lives.”