나는 지난 12개월 동안 매달 썼던 칼럼을 살펴보면서 그것들 중 4분의 1이 인종차별에 관한 것이었음을 깨닫게 되었다. 가장 최근에 일어난 사건은 사우쓰 캐롤라이나에 위치한Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal (AME) Church (Mother Emanuel) in Charleston에서 발생했다. Mother Emanuel은 폭탄을 맞고 불태움을 당하고 총격을 받고 손상된 많은 많은 흑인 교회들의 목록에 이름을 올리게 되었다.
Imagine being out on a morning walk only to discover two fossilized vertebrae from an ancient creature, possibly a small reptile. Now imagine that the two vertebrae, found near—but not next to—each other, fit together.
Al leer los artículos mensuales que he escrito durante los últimos doce meses, me doy cuenta que una cuarta parte de ellos han hablado sobre el racismo. El último incidente público fue el de los asesinatos en la Iglesia Episcopal Metodista Africana Emanuel (AME) (Madre Emanuel) en Charleston, Carolina del Sur. Madre Emanuel es una iglesia más en una larga lista trágica de iglesias afroamericanas que han sido bombardeadas, quemadas, tiroteadas, y vandalizadas.
The Jarvie Commonweal Service, a ministry to older adult Protestants in the New York City area, has undergone changes in leadership and structure, according to leaders of the Presbyterian Foundation.
Beth Hart-Andersen is a child of God. And—not incidentally—a child of Ghost Ranch. “I’ve been coming here since I was four years old,” she says. “At least that’s my earliest memory.” And now, 31 years—to the day—and 3 children later, the Hart-Andersens still find a way to return to Ghost Ranch every year.
A hate-inspired tragedy like the murder of nine worshipers at the Emanuel A.M.E. Church in Charleston, South Carolina, causes people of good conscience not only to grieve, but to reassess their attitudes about race, and moves people of all races to come together and take actions that reflect new commitments to heal long-standing wounds in the United States.
Unfortunately, those commitments to reconciliation inflame in some the same racial hatred that motivated the Charleston killings and result in a backlash of further violence. In the last week, at least seven churches with predominantly black membership have been burned in Tennessee, …
The Presbyterian Mission Agency Board, through its Louisville-based lawyer, John Sheller of Stoll Keenon Ogden PLLC, issued a response on June 25 to a defamation lawsuit filed against the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation, by the Rev. Roger Dermody.