Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) leaders are urging presidential candidates to make poverty a priority in their upcoming campaigns. The encouragement comes on the heels of an announcement from Circle of Protection, that it is releasing several videos from candidates addressing the issue.
Keynote speakers and workshop leaders from across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) came together at the 2015 National Black Presbyterian Caucus to educate participants with responsive actions, equip them with methods to reconnect to God and one another, and to empower implementation in local churches and communities.
이 역사적인 신앙 고백의 인도를 따르며, 전 세계적인 평화와 미국과 이란 사이의 적대적인 관계의 해소를 요구하는 우리 총회의 다양한 조치들에 협력하면서, 우리는 핵 에너지의 사용과 통제, 특별히 핵무기 생산과 관련된 일에 관한 미국과 이란 정부 사이에 이루어진 협정 체결을 환영한다.
자유와 정의의 하나님, 우리는 독립한지 4년을 기념하는 남수단의 형제 자매들과 함께 기도합니다. 우리는 남수단이 세계의 가장 최신 국가가 되었을 때 함께 기뻐했습니다. 그 이래로 4년이란 세월속에 있었던 기쁨과 깊은 슬픔을 우리는 함께 해왔습니다. 이제 우리의 마음은, 우리의 형제 자매들과 더불어, 남수단이 그동안 위하여 분투해 온 모든 것을 파괴할 수 있는 깊은 갈등에 직면하면서 아주 침울합니다.
The rules are simple: only buy items that can be used within a year, like groceries, toiletries, and gasoline. All nonessential purchases, like clothing and gifts for the kids, are off limits. After a year of living within these rules, Scott Dannemiller tells about the highs and lows of becoming a consumer culture drop-out in his new book, The Year without a Purchase: One Family’s Quest to Stop Shopping and Start Connecting (Westminster John Knox Press).
It’s dry season, and a group of Congolese farmers huddles over a small opening in a tube that’s stretched across a field of arid, caked earth. They watch skeptically for water.
A catalog introducing Growing in Grace & Gratitude, the new Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) denominational children’s curriculum, was recognized for its design at the 2015 PIAS Graphic Awards Competition.
Marilyn Borst spoke about the work being done through the church in Syria and Iraq at the July 18 opening evening meeting of the New Wilmington Mission Conference. The overwhelming message of her talk was “Christ wins,” a theme that echoed throughout the twenty minutes she spoke.
Uno de mis aspectos favoritos acerca de ser Presbiteriana es que no importa lo que estemos llamados a hacer dentro de la vida de la Iglesia, estamos llamados a hacerlo en comunidad. Sabemos que al estar llamado a trabajar juntos, lo cual a veces hace las cosas mucho más fáciles y otras más difíciles; depende de cómo nos guste trabajar.
More than a thousand members of various Christian denominations and their missionaries will gather July 18-25 at Westminster College in New Wilmington, Pa., for the 110th New Wilmington Mission Conference (NWMC.) All meetings and events are free and open to the public.