The theme for Big Tent 2015 is Live Missionally. This phrase has created quite a conversation in the church, centered on this question: “What does ‘living missionally’ really mean?”
Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) environmental leaders say they’re disappointed by yesterday’s ruling from the U.S. Supreme Court. The high court ruled against the Environmental Protection Agency’s efforts to put a limit on certain power plant emissions saying it did not consider the cost of those regulations and its financial impact on energy corporations.
More than 280 commissioners and representatives from 400 Korean American Presbyterian Churches across the country assembled together June 16–19, 2015, with guests from corresponding denominational partners in South Korea and Japan, to refocus and renew the mission of Korean American Presbyterian churches during the 44th National Council of Korean Presbyterian Churches (NCKPC) gathering.
La Confesión de 1967 dice:
La iglesia se dispersa para servir a Dios en donde quiera que se encuentren sus miembros, en el trabajo o en el recreo, en privado o en la vida social. Sus oraciones y estudio de la Biblia forman parte del culto y reflexión teológica de la iglesia. Su testimonio es la actividad evangelizadora de la iglesia. Su acción diaria en el mundo representa a la iglesia en misión hacia el mundo. La calidad de sus relaciones con otras personas es la medida de la fidelidad de la iglesia. (Libro de Confesiones, 9.37, …
Two South Sudanese pastors imprisoned for their faith in the Republic of Sudan since December 2014 and January 2015, respectively, will have the opportunity to answer a judge’s questions in a hearing on July 2.
Three worshiping communities have been named winners of the 2015 Sam and Helen R. Walton Award—for their excellence as new church starts in their local communities.
Two Presbyterian Mission Agency ministries have merged to form Theology, Formation and Evangelism. The two areas involved were previously called Theology, Worship and Education and Evangelism and Church Growth.
Situated on the north end of downtown Atlanta, North Avenue Presbyterian Church began its life over 100 years ago as a suburban church. But the city grew, the neighborhood changed and the people who originally lived around North Avenue migrated farther out.
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) is celebrating the U.S. Supreme Court ruling that same-gender couples have a constitutional right to marry nationwide, striking down bans in 14 states. Church leaders believe today’s ruling is a step in the right direction as society’s views have continued to change in recent years.
La 221a Asamblea General (2014) y los presbiterios ratificaron la siguiente definición sobre el matrimonio:
El matrimonio es una dádiva de Dios, ofrecida a la humanidad para el bienestar de la familia humana total. El matrimonio implica un compromiso único entre dos personas, tradicionalmente un hombre y una mujer, de amarse y apoyarse mutuamente por el resto de sus vidas. El amor sacrificado que une a la pareja le sostiene como miembros fieles y responsables de la iglesia y la comunidad en general…