El Reverendo Gradye Parsons, Secretario Permanente de la Asamblea General, escribió una carta al Presidente de los Estados Unidos expresando su preocupación por la protección de los niños no acompañados. La carta completa esta publicada a continuación.
Those gathered for the Presbyterians Caring for Chaplains and Military Personnel (PCCMP) annual training conference here focused on self-care for chaplains and their families.
“Our girls were getting married even before the age of 15, most of them not because they wanted to but because their parents wanted to get quick riches. This was total ignorance on the part of the parents, and we should confess that we as panel members are also guilty of that — we never knew that a girl child was worth educating. God should forgive us … a girl also can achieve higher education just like a boy.”
Police cars have been repainted to say “Islamic police.” Women are forbidden from wearing bright colors and prints. The homes of Shiites and others have signs stating they are property of the Islamic State. And everyone walks in fear amid a new reign of terror.
8월에는 우리 가족의 삶에 큰 변화가 있을 것이다. 내 딸이 사우쓰 캐롤라이나의 클린톤에 위치한 Presbyterian College에서 채플린으로 섬기도록 새로운 부르심을 받았다. 따라서 그녀의 가족이 우리 집을 떠나 그곳으로 이사할 것이다. 이것으로 인해 나는 2013년 3월에 태어나서 우리와 함께 살아온 나의 손자 Dylan을 매일 볼 수 없을 것이다. 나는 지난 몇 개월 동안 딜란을 통해 내가 배운 몇 가지를 나누고 싶다.
전례적 반응 (liturgical response)으로서의 “YEA.” 딜란은 전주곡에, 찬송가에, 사람들의 기도에, 설교에, 평화의 인사를 나누는 것에 “YEA”라고 큰 소리로 반응했다. 비록 나도 예배 시간의 어느 부분에서 “아멘”으로 반응하는 것을 좋아하지만, 하나님께 “YEA”라고 말하는 것과는 같지 않다. 하나님 그렇습니다! 나는 당신에 대해 …
A compilation of news from Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) seminaries.
The Presbyterian Multicultural Network (PMN) has awarded grants of $5,000 each to two network churches that have translated the PMN’s vision into vibrant multicultural ministry in their communities.
“Hail Bacon, full of grease, the Lard is with thee.”
So go the opening lines to the United Church of Bacon’s “Hail Piggy: A Prayer for Bacon.”
Many of the people helping in the fight against the deadly Ebola disease are priests, religious people, and educators playing the role of caregivers to the stricken.
How should the growing phenomenon of migration affect training for ministry? An upcoming seminar organized by the World Council of Churches (WCC) at the Ecumenical Institute in Bossey will focus on evaluating experiences and devising new approaches to theological education that can help churches understand migration as an opportunity of “being the church together.”