News from the presbyteries and synods of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
As an integral part of its ongoing expansion plans, Company of New Pastors (CNP) — a transition-into-ministry program for seminary students and first-call pastors — is launching a new series of programs on pastoral formation.
At the Central Committee meeting of the World Council of Churches (WCC), leadership of the Council’s consultative bodies was announced. These bodies will steer through the work of the WCC in accomplishing the call from its 10th Assembly to engage in a “pilgrimage of justice and peace.” The WCC assembly was held in Busan, Republic of Korea, in the fall of 2013.
Faith communities can and should play a larger role in calling for justice and leading difficult conversations about race, said two retired Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) pastors in Ferguson, Missouri.
Jack Haberer knew he would someday return to pastoral ministry in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). He just didn’t think it would happen quite this soon and quite so abruptly.
At the end of September, Haberer will step down as editor of The Presbyterian Outlook after nine years as leader of the PC(USA)’s oldest and most influential independent publication. On Oct. 26, he begins service as pastor of Vanderbilt Presbyterian Church in Naples, Fla.
You don’t need a doctoral degree to think higher education leads people away from organized religion. That’s been common wisdom for decades.
Now, a sociologist’s new generational study upends that thinking.
― It promised to be a full and satisfying morning. As we pulled away from the Salongo market, the Land Cruiser was packed with people and things. Kristi’s “shakena” (child named after her) was sitting on her lap along with a few others in the front. Everyone was nicely dressed. We were all ready for the big event.
After passing the airport we made a sharp left where large palm fronds greeted us “welcome.” More palm fronds awaited us as we cruised down one of the dirt roads of Tubuluku village. After passing the chief’s home we made another sharp left and arrived at BICE, a Catholic center created 10 years ago to house and rehabilitate child soldiers after the war.
Prayers for peace and reunification of the Korean peninsula were held at the Bongsu Church in Pyongyang, North Korea on Aug. 15, with participation from a 19-member delegation organized by the National Council of Churches in Korea (NCCK), comprised of representatives from member churches of the World Council of Churches (WCC) and ecumenical organizations from South Korea, including women and youth delegates.
When Julie Rodgers came out as a lesbian at age 17, her mom responded by taking her to an ex-gay ministry in Dallas. Rodgers had grown up in a nondenominational evangelical church where she assumed being gay wasn’t an option. “With ex-gay ministries, it gave me the space to be honest about my sexuality,” said Rodgers, now 28. Yet that same honesty eventually led her away from ex-gay ministries.
« El Señor ya te ha dicho, oh hombre, en qué consiste lo Bueno y qué es lo que él espera de ti: que hagas justicia, que seas fiel y leal y que obedezcas humildemente a tu Dios.» (Miqueas 6:8)
En este tiempo de angustia e ira, la frustración y el miedo sobre la muerte a tiros de Michael Brown de dieciocho años de edad en Ferguson, Missouri, la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.) llama a la calma y la oración así como se busca la justicia y la rectitud.
Nosotros, junto con el resto del mundo, lloramos la pérdida de …