The Rev. Christopher Ferguson has been elected as the next general secretary of the World Communion of Reformed Churches (WCRC). He was elected by the WCRC Executive Committee to succeed the Rev. Setri Nyomi after an extensive search process.
그래디 파슨스, 미국 장로교 사무총회 정서기
교사, 변호사, 의사, 농부, 장부 계원, 그리고 수없이 많은 다른 직업들을 가지고 있는 장로들이 미국 장로교를 섬기기 위해 선출되었다. 제 221차 미국 장로교 총회에는 디트로이트에서 6월 14-21일까지 교회를 위한 그리스도의 마음을 분별하기 위해 이렇게 다양하고 생명을 나누는 공동체가 함께 할 것이다.
In 2008 native Jerusalemite Sahar Vardi had recently graduated from high school. She was 18 years old. And she was in prison. She was being punished for the crime of refusing to be conscripted into the Israeli army.
Profesores, abogados, médicos, agricultores, contadores, así como cualquier otra vocación que uno pueda pensar. Ese es el equipo ilimitado de profesiones de los cuales se han extraído los/as ancianos/as gobernantes para servir a la Iglesia Presbiteriana (EE.UU.). Este es también el cuerpo diverso y vivificante que la 221a Asamblea General (2014) utilizara con el fin de discernir la mente de Cristo para la iglesia, del 14 al 21 de junio en Detroit.
[Korean] [Español] Teachers, lawyers, doctors, farmers, bookkeepers, and any other vocation one can think of. That’s the limitless pool of professions from which ruling elders are drawn from for service in the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.). It also is from this diverse and life-giving body that the 221st General Assembly (2014) is pulling from in order to discern the mind of Christ for the church, June 14–21, in Detroit.
Before there was The Lion, the Witch, and the Wardrobe, there was Grandma’s and Grandpa’s cabinet. Behind those cabinet doors in my grandparents’ home in Richmond, Virginia, were adventures to be discovered and stories to be told.
Although it might not seem to be, Latin America is the most active region in the world when it comes to the defense of the rights of lesbian, gay, bisexual, transgender and intersex (LGBTI) people.
Same-sex partners can’t marry in a United Methodist Church. But if one of the spouses works at one of the denomination’s 13 general agencies, the couple can get benefits if state laws allow it.
God talks to those who will listen. For the Rev. Martha Friz-Langer, pastor of Dale Presbyterian Church in Dale, Indiana (population 1,574), God assured her that the seemingly impossible vision of the congregation would be realized.
A compilation of news from mid councils within the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).