Eternal God, sustainer, provider, God of all wisdom and knowledge,
Our spirits are weary, our faith quivers, our minds get clouded by news of sickness and death.
You know our thoughts before we express them, even the fears we dismiss, you know them.
We cannot hide our feelings and worries from you.
So, as we are, we come to You, O God, asking for wisdom, for clear minds and open hearts, for calm
and assurance that, through the crisis, You are present.
Knowing that “the Spirit helps us in our weakness; for we do not know how to pray as we ought,
but that very Spirit intercedes with sighs too deep for words,”
We ask for wisdom and protection…
For medical personnel, scientists, doctors, nurses, and laboratory technicians.
For those around the world considering current and other health crises.
For health care personnel and caregivers.
We lift them up to You. Bendíceles con sabiduría; protégeles de todo mal.
We ask for clear minds and open hearts as people navigate daily lives…
As closures, cancellations, and quarantines are enacted.
As families gather in their homes, some caring for those who are sick.
As we encounter neighbors in our neighborhoods, stores, and pharmacies.
Bendícenos con paciencia y creatividad, amor y entendimiento.
We pray for the sick, those who have lost or are at risk of losing jobs in the midst of this crisis,
for those whose health or social services will be or have been affected, for those suffering the direct
effects of this virus, locally and around the world.
Illumine us, Holy Spirit. Show us in what ways we can be of help as we care for self and others.
Ilumínanos para sabér cómo ayudar.
We ask for calm, assurance, and strength.
May we all remember that, in the midst of any crisis,
Your grace reaches us,
Your hope enlightens us,
And Your love surrounds us all.
En medio de la crisis,
tu gracia nos alcanza,
tu esperanza nos ilumina,
y tu amor nos rodea.
(Vilmarie and Cindy, March 14, 2020)