Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy
Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy
The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) serves the prophetic calling of the whole Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) by providing the General Assembly with careful studies of pressing moral challenges, media for discussion and discernment of Christian responsibilities, and policy recommendations for faithful action.
ACSWP is responsible for the process of developing and recommending social witness policy to the General Assembly. The term “social witness policy” refers to the positions adopted by the General Assembly to express its stance on and guide response to issues in the public order, including their relation to the church’s own life and mission. These positions may take the form of policy statements, resolutions, study papers, or social involvement reports, as defined in the Manual of the General Assembly, Guidelines and Policies of the General Assembly, p. 142.
More ACSWP Information and Resources
The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy meets three times a year. The meeting cycle begins following a General Assembly. Generally speaking, at this summer meeting, ACSWP receives new referrals from the General Assembly, reflects on emerging issues, and hears updates on work in progress. The fall meeting offers the ACSWP an opportunity to receive reports on work in progress, evaluate projects in process, write and edit drafts, and deepen its knowledge of specific work and the church. At its winter meeting during a GA year, ACSWP approves for submission to the assembly policy statements, resolutions, and recommendations to the next General Assembly.
The Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy (ACSWP) is a 12-member committee, which represents a cross-section of members from the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) and is elected by the General Assembly. One member serves on the Presbyterian Mission Agency Board; one member serves on the Mission Responsibility Through Investment Committee; and members serve as liaisons to the Advocacy Committees. Liaisons from the Advocacy Committees are also represented.
Barbara Chalfant
(Missouri Union/MidAtlantic)
Yenny Delgado
Baltimore, MD
(National Capital/Mid-Atlantic)
Mark Douglas
Decatur, GA
(Greater Atlanta/South Atlantic)
Jacob Douylliez
Bishop, GA
(Northeast Georgia/South Atlantic)
Jeromey Howard (Co-Chair)
Montgomery, NY
(Hudson River/Northeast)
Sue Trigger
Overland Park, KS
Jimmie Hawkins
Assoc. Advocacy Director, Compassion, Peace and Justice
Barry Creech
Deputy Executive Director
Melonee Tubb
Coordinator of Advocacy Committee Support
Laurie Krauss
Director of Humanitarian and Global Ecumenical Engagement for CPJ
Erica Nelson (Co-Chair)
Lincoln, NE
(Homestead/Lakes and Prairies)
Rick Nutt
New Concord, OH
(Scioto Valley/Covenant)
Sue Smith
Atlantic Highlands, NJ
Richard Vendiola
Auburn, WA
Tamar Wasoian
(Presbytery of Boston/Synod of Northeast)
Sarang Kang
REAC LiaisonVictoria Alexander
Victoria Alexander
Dhawn B. Martin
Manager of ACSWP
Contact Us
Advisory Committee on Social Witness Policy
800-728-7228, ext. 5814
Open Meeting Policy
As approved by the 209th General Assembly (1997) and amended by the 218th General Assembly (2008), the Open Meeting Policy applies to the General Assembly and its related entities and work groups.