Evangelism conference to explore new way of being together as Presbyterians
September 21, 2018
Jason, who are the keynote speakers for this conference?
We’re not approaching the Evangelism conference on Sabbath from the more traditional model of speakers: keynote, followed by plenaries, followed by workshops, followed by a preacher during a worship service. It’s too much. At so many conferences people are inundated by too much information, only to leave feeling like they just drank from a fire hose. Unable to synthesize that much information, they end up only taking a few memorable quotes or broader ideas with them.
So we started to ask, ‘does this type of conference really lead to sustainable transformation for the participants and their ministries?’ We wanted to design a different type of gathering, and we wanted to center it on a central topic — one which people could delve into deeply. We wanted to make sure that we didn’t just talk about a subject, but that we gave the participants a way to experience it as well. We wanted to our learning to relate to a life — and in their particular ministry environment, alongside people in other ministry environments.
So why choose Sabbath Rest Holy Surrender Full Life as the topic to go deeper in?
Deeper engagement into what Sabbath is, what’s it’s not, what it should be and how it can live it out in our everyday lives and ministry is critical for sustainable formation in ministry. We recognize it might seem like an atypical pairing to put Sabbath alongside evangelism. But at the core of Sabbath, we find a witness to who we are called to be in community. In Sabbath, we fully realize our relationship to God and authentically begin to live that out by engaging in relationships with others. In doing so, we bear witness to Christ’s reconciliation. There’s no greater evangelistic witness to God’s covenant community than in a community itself — a people who are reconciled.

Why are you so passionate about Sabbath and the daily rhythm of this conference?
At Princeton Theological Seminary my dissertation was on the Taizé community and the doctrine of Sabbath. This ecumenical, monastic community that draws over 100,000 young people, every year, fascinated me. I wanted to know what made it tick. Apparently, I wasn’t the only one. I can’t tell you the number of times over the years that people ask me, “What’s Taizé’s secret? How do they get so many young adults to come pray with them?”
After over a decade of research, I’ve come to believe that it’s not the chants; nor is it the contemplative nature of the community — or even that it’s in France. I believe young people go to Taizé because they experience a true expression of Sabbath. In one week, they feel like they belong, like it’s their spiritual home, because they’ve dwelt in a
Sabbath community. We’re hoping to offer this ethos at our Evangelism conference by not only exploring this perspective, but also by ushering people into a rhythm, where we begin to experience Sabbath together. … It will be like no other conference you’ve gone to. As we grow in our understanding of Sabbath together, we hope to learn how we might more faithfully gather as a denomination in what we’ve traditionally called “conferences.”
Paul Seebeck, Mission Communications Strategist, Video and Digital Asset Management, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Today's Focus: 2018 Evangelism conference
Let us join in prayer for:
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Laura Wampler, PPC
Tammy Warren, PMA
Let us pray:
God, help us to continue to live, learn and work together. Amen.