‘An example to all’
November 8, 2017

The legacy of a woman known for her dedication to Presbyterian mission is living on through Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) grants that bear her name.
The woman, Joan Chen Fong, died earlier this year in Fremont, California, after battling lung cancer for several years. Although she never smoked, Fong was diagnosed with lung cancer caused by a genetic mutation common in Asian females.
“Joan’s dedication to and leadership on the Mission Development Resources Committee was an example to all, as was her approach to her illness,” said Jim Rissler, president of the Presbyterian Investment and Loan Program. “Her faithfulness and shining spirit never dimmed throughout her courageous fight.”
The Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.), A Corporation recently approved changes to the Joan Fong New Church Development (NCD) Capital Grant. The changes allow Joan Fong Capital Grants to be awarded for non-New Church Development projects up to $150,000 or New Church Development projects of any size. In addition, the grants have been increased from a maximum of $10,000 to a maximum of $20,000. Only one Joan Fong Capital Grant can be awarded to any one church within a 10-year period.
The grants are awarded in conjunction with loans issued by the Presbyterian Investment & Loan Program (PILP) using Church Loan Program endowment funds for the purpose of construction, renovation, site purchase or building purchase. The financial condition of the borrower will be taken into consideration when awarding a grant.
The grants reflect Fong’s dedication and generosity, Rissler said. He described Fong as a “warm-hearted, joyful, kind, dedicated and generous person with a beaming smile that radiated her faith in God.” She supported a wide range of organizations, including those involved with the performing arts, children’s education and Christian work at the local, regional and national levels.
Fong, a member of Irvington Presbyterian Church, also served the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) at the local and national levels. Her service to the church included: chair of the National Asian Presbyterian Women; Synod Permanent Judicial Commission; vice chair, Synod of the Pacific; Asian American Christian Fellowship; PC(USA) General Assembly committees; Presbyterian Historical Society board; Finance & Property chair, San Francisco Presbytery; and chair of the loan team of the Mission Development Resources Committee of the PC(USA).
Gail Strange, Director, Church and Mid Council Communications, Presbyterian Mission Agency
Today's Focus: Joan Fong New Church Development (NCD) Capital Grant
Let us join in prayer for:
Irvington Presbyterian Church Staff
Rev. Dr. Larry D. Thorson, Pastor
Stephanie Yamada, Director of Family Ministries
Jeanette Ollison, Bookkeeper
Rev. Dr. Martha Thorson, Parish Associate
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Rebecca Storti, BOP
Andrea Stopper, PMA
Let us pray:
Gracious God, in Jesus Christ you reached out with your love for all. Make us generous in reaching out with the love of Jesus Christ to those we know and to those we are just meeting. Especially bless those who go out of their way to care for others in Jesus’ name. Amen.
Daily Readings
Morning Psalms 89:1-18; 147:1-11
First Reading Nehemiah 13:4-22
Or alternate First Reading Haggai 1:1-2:9
Second Reading Revelation 12:1-12