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Mission Yearbook


Minute for Mission: Giving Tuesday

Daily Readings

November 28, 2023

Giving Tuesday, which is being observed today in more than 150 countries, exists for one purpose: to celebrate and encourage giving. We Presbyterians have a strong history of giving, and we see examples of this all over the world: schools, hospitals, beautiful churches and exciting ministries of justice, peace and mercy with the name Presbyterian attached to them have enlivened a world more like God’s realm in almost every place in God’s Creation. I don’t know about you, but I spark with joy whenever I see an institution or church that proudly places the name or logo of our denomination on their sign. It causes me to become prideful, yes, but primarily thankful for the saints who have gone before us and shown us how they were faithful. Their legacy of giving shines like a lodestar in our world. As a presbytery executive friend of mine often says, “I am sinfully proud to be a Presbyterian!”

As you turn your attention away from Thanksgiving and time with family or those who are like family, remember that God’s family — our spiritual family — aspires for a world where everyone knows the joy of God’s grace, which we respond to in gratitude to God. What a gift we have the opportunity to share in our giving on Giving Tuesday and every day! Please remember to give freely and generously on Giving Tuesday through the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.) so that all our ministries continue to flourish right here at home and all around the globe.

Join the PC(USA) in responding to a world in need! Give now.

The Rev. Wilson Kennedy, Associate Director for Special Offerings and Appeals, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)

Today's Focus: Giving Tuesday

Let us join in prayer for:

PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff

Robyn Davis Sekula, VP, Marketing Communications, Presbyterian Foundation

Jeanie Shaw, Ministry Engagement Advisor, Ministry, Engagement & Support, Administrative Services Group (A Corp)

Let us pray

To make my offering to you, God,

Is to bring back to memory

That you are the source of all gifts, and

The one from whom all blessings flow.

When we join our gifts with the gifts of others, we are reminded that we cannot go it alone.

We are in the company of the household of faith and the whole host of witnesses who went before.

Each gift I make is a “thank you” for the community of faith where I can share my griefs and burdens, my joys and excitement.

Each gift is a “thank you,” God, for the gift of life.

Each gift is an act of hope in God’s future for all Creation. 

Each gift is a sign of our thanks and gratitude.

May it always be so.


Prayer by the Rev. Rosemary Mitchell (Honorably Retired)