Minute for Mission: Pentecost Offering Sunday
May 23, 2021

Who have been your most influential teachers? All types of teachers — at school, at church, at work and in families — help shape who we become. We are grateful for all our teachers.
In Psalm 71, the author uses the image of a teacher for God by stating, “O God, from my youth you have taught me, and I still proclaim your wondrous deeds.” Jesus, himself, was called a rabbi — a “teacher” — so we get a clear sense in the Bible that God thinks teachers are important.
When we think about teachers, it’s pretty common for most of us to think about young people, too. But do we take the time to recognize the ways young people are our teachers? Over this past year, we have seen how important it is to watch and learn from young people.
Throughout our church, and around the world, children, youth and young adults have been part of teaching technology to older adults. They have been important in teaching about injustice and leading movements for change in their own communities.
We know how important it is to give young people a good foundation in faith, in education and in life. The Pentecost Offering helps us support the development of our young people through ministries of education, spiritual formation events like the 4,000-plus gathering called the Presbyterian Youth Triennium, and through service as Young Adult Volunteers. It also encourages us to see how children, youth and young adults teach us new things and help us shape our faith, too.
The Psalmist says, “O God, from my youth, you have taught me …” and that is true. But they could have also said, “O God, from the youth, you have taught me,” and stated something almost as true.
As every building needs a strong foundation, each of us needs a foundation in faith that is strong enough to last a lifetime. The gifts we share will help young people learn important lessons about life and faith, and because they teach us, we will get to learn some lessons, too.
Bryce Wiebe, Director of Special Offerings and the Presbyterian Giving Catalog
Today's Focus: Pentecost Offering Sunday
Let us join in prayer for:
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Rebecca Kueber, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Jeannette Larson, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Let us pray:
God, teach us through every young person we meet. May we see your house, not only as a place where young people are present, but where they are actively building the world, you would have us create. Amen.