Minute for Mission: Mr. Rogers Day
March 20, 2023
The Rev. Fred Rogers was a PC(USA) pastor who built his ministry around teaching us to share our stories, listen to one another and then go out into our neighborhoods. Rogers modeled the practice of storytelling. Storytelling is at the heart of who we are as Christians and how we share the story of God’s redeeming love. We gather as faith communities, develop authentic relationships through the practice of storytelling and communal faith practices and then go out into our neighborhoods to join God’s work of equity and justice. Rogers showed us how listening to one another and meeting people where they are at is how we can show the expansiveness of God’s unconditional love.
We honor the work and life of Rogers each year on March 20, his birthday. Faith communities engage in neighborhood projects, learn about peace and reconciliation, and find creative ways to spread joy and kindness. This year we have added additional resources for you to recognize Mr. Rogers Day. You’ll find a worship service, artwork for bulletins and coloring, a new hymn and 15 ways you can engage in the day. Find all of these resources and more here.
Stephanie Fritz; Mission Coordinator for Christian Formation; Theology, Formation & Evangelism
Today's Focus: Mr. Rogers Day
Let us join in prayer for:
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Tina Valdes, Customer Service Representative, Presbyterian Publishing Corporation
Kris Valerius, Manager, Denominational Rolls and Statistics, Office of the General Assembly
Let us pray
Jesus, teach us to be neighbors living, loving side by side. Hands for helping one another, arms for welcome open wide, ever learning, ever growing. Jesus, teach us all to be children of the new creation joined in true community. Amen.