Minute for Mission: Intercultural Church Sunday
June 2, 2019
The 223rd General Assembly (2018) approved the initiative to “Declare an Imperative for the Reformation of the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A) in being a Transformative Church in This Intercultural Era.” The 223rd General Assembly also declared the period from 2020 to 2030 as the “Decade of Intercultural Transformation” by focusing on transformative priorities and initiatives across the Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.).
One of the intercultural initiative’s mandates is to urge all councils of the church, seminaries and other church entities to “take action to be intercultural in their life, work and worship.” Yes, it is time for Presbyterians to take decisive action to become a transformative church in this intercultural era. We pray that this initiative may be the beginning of a new Reformation Movement in the church where all of God’s people who have already come from the east, west, north and south sit together at the Lord’s table and welcome one another as Christ has welcomed us.
Lemuel García-Arroyo, Associate Director of Racial Equity & Women's Intercultural Ministries, Presbyterian Church (U.S.A.)
Today's Focus: Intercultural Church Sunday
PC(USA) Agencies’ Staff
Mark Thomson, PMA
Kathryn Threadgill, PMA
Let us pray:
God of love, we give you thanks for all of the cultures, races, ethnicities and languages of your people. Give us the wisdom and the courage to be faithful to the call of loving all of your people as you have loved us and to be transformed into a church that truly reflects who you are and who you love.